Ingatkan mereka akan sejarah Bangsanya yg ber Negara berlandaskan Adat Rakyat Bersultan, Negeri Beraja.
Dec 31, 2008
Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430H
Al-Fatihah & Sembah Takziah YG Dipertuan Besar N9
Dec 25, 2008
A Look in China Public Transportation System.
I’ll explain one by one, hands on experienced using their public transportations. To be more specific this experience is only referred to Shanghai city.
Taxi is the most convenient way to travel especially for short distance. The taxi’s differs in quite number of colors which I don’t know what it's actually means (maybe different company it represents). The price of the taxi normally starts at RMB 11.00 (RM5.50) once u hops in. Then the price will increase based on km or minutes (similar to other part of the world). All taxi’s that I used followed the meter system. There is no fear or doubt about being cheated by taxi drivers due to this. I can see clearly how the meter runs & most of the prices were all the same from one taxi to another.
However, I experienced having communication problem with taxi drivers. They intend to misinterpreted what you say because they actually don’t know where u want to go & whatever you say. In most cases, I will ask the hotel reception to write in Chinese where I intend to go before boarding any taxis. This is actually a major issue to foreigners around the city when using this mode of public transportation.
Metro Subway System
The cheapest & fastest way to travel there is by using Metro train. Which in Malaysia we called it as "LRT" which cost you abot RMB 3.50. (RM1.60). For as low as RMB 4-5 I can travel from edge of the city line to another with quite numbers of stops. The subway have several link systems such as Yellow Subway, Green, Red & Blue. This subways in interconnected by several clash stations around the city. Unfortunately they don’t have a main station which have all the systems link together like KL Central. Anyway, this sub systems is nothing compared to Malaysian systems. In Malaysia our LRT systems mostly involve sub railway & highways. I must say, compared to view & tourism perspective ours is much better.
I easily adapted to the systems due to the signs & instructions were written clearly in bi-language (English & Chinese). The funniest experience I face was travelling during peak hours (around 4.00pm). A huge turnout of anxious people were eventually makes the train like sardines can (more or less like this). People been pushed in up to the limit. Some of the cases I can see clearly part of the people leaning next to the door having their cloth out side their door (someone stuck). This will happen to us if we didn’t to something about our transportation system in 5-10 year time.
This was among the best public transportation I ever use. The price using this transportation was RMB 80 (RM40.00) for one way & RMB 150 (RM 75) for both ways. MAGLEV is a fast train using magnetic system. I don’t know how to explain this but this system uses magnetic field to float & move all the way from Shanghai city to the airport (on a magnetic rail track of course). Travelling by taxi’s from the city to airport normally takes around 1 to 1 ½ hours. But using the MAGLEV one just had to spend only 8 minutes in the train. Surprise isn’t it? Only 8 minutes. The maximum travel speed while I’m using it was 356km/hour which nearly the same as travel speed of an aeroplane.
I’m actually thrilled when I used the transportation. Having the fact it moves so fast just make me realise how the world have evolved so fast from gas train to this kind of train. WOW.
Dec 24, 2008
Tolak ansur kerakyatan pengorbanan besar Melayu
PPSMI : Wajarkah diteruskan @ dibatalkan?
Malah website @ gerakan anti-PPSMI telahpun ditubuhkan & mendapat sokongan byk pihak. PKPIM juga merupakan antara badan NGO yg menentang perlaksanaan PPSMI.
Saya sebenar pada awalnya berbelah bagi bila berhadapan isu ini pada masa lalu. Tetapi keadaan telah berubah bilamana 'feedback' dr rakan2 guru di pedalaman menyatakan PPSMI hanya akan menyisihkan pelajar luar bandar. Siapa lagi yg patut beri pendapat? Adakah persidangan meja bulat yg dihadiri oleh cerdik pandai & intelektual ?
Saya berpendapat org yg paling layak merupakan guru2 di pedalaman adalah insan malaysia yg paling layak memberikan pendapat dalam isu ini.
Kepada pihak kementerian & ahli2 meja bulat! Tidakkah mereka pergi melihat, membuat kajian & mencari 'feedback' pada pelajar2 pedalaman? Tidakkah mereka bertanya pada guru2 yg penat lelah jerih mengajar dlm bahasa yg tidak difahami oleh murid? Adakah sanggup kerajaan mengorbankan pelajar2 luar bandar hanya utk memenuhi selera sesetengah intelektual & pelajar2 bandar. Lebih kajian diperlukan utk mengesan impak kehadapan bila perkara ini dilaksanakan.
Sebenarnya telah ada kajian2 luar mengenai impak PPSMI patut dijadikan renungan :
Laporan pakar-pakar pendidikan luar negara dan UNESCOmenunjukkan bahawa perubahan bahasa pengantar dalam keadaan kanak-kanakmasih belum menguasai bahasa ibunda akan memburukkan prestasi pembelajaranmereka. Ini kerana kanak-kanak seharusnya menggunakan bahasa yang merekapaling fahami untuk tujuan belajar supaya mencapai keberkesanan pembelajaranyang optimum, terutamanya dalam mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik. Sekalipun menggunakan bahasa ibunda, kedua-dua mata pelajaran ini masih menjadi satumasalah untuk dikuasai sepenuhnya, maka sekiranya bahasa asing yang merekakurang biasa dijadikan bahasa pengantar bagi mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik,sudah pasti menjejaskan keberkesanan pembelajaran dengan teruk sekali.
Kajian luar negara membuktikan bahawa penggunaan bahasa kedua atau bahasaselain daripada bahasa ibunda dalam peringkat awal persekolahan akan membawakesan negatif terhadap perkembangan daya pemikiran kanak-kanak danmenyebabkan kemerosotan prestasi akademik dalam mata pelajaran Sains,Matematik dan bahasa. Maka, kepentingan pendidikan bahasa ibunda amatditegaskan oleh pakar-pakar pendidikan luar negara dan UNESCO.
KONGRESS PENDIDIKAN MELAYU.Kongres Pendidikan Melayu Ke-2 yang dianjurkan pada bulan Mac 2005,secara lantang menunjukkan bahawa kira-kira 500 ribu orang pelajar Melayu akan keciciran dalam Sains dan Matematik akibat kegagalan menguasaibahasa Inggeris. Tidak dilupa tentangan juga diterima daripada pihak2 SJK Tamil & Cina.
Perlaksaan PPSMI pada saya harus ditentang kerana tiada manfaatnya pada pelajar di peringkat awal. Apa masalahnya kalau belajar dalam Bahasa Malaysia @ dwi-bahasa? Jgn kita bebankan lagi murid2 yg rata2 berumur lingkungan 7-12 tahun dgn 'high expectation' drpd kita. Jika tujuan adalah utk meningkatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris terlalu byk cara lain yg berkesan. Ini adalah antara cara 'simple' pihak kementerian boleh laksanakan demi utk meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa kedua ini :-
1- Menganjurkan lebih byk pertandingan debat / kuiz sains & matematik dlm bahasa inggeris di luar bandar.
2- Menganjurkan seminar bahasa inggeris yg wajib dihadiri oleh pelajar2 sekolah. (ala2 PLKN). Terutama pada pelajar2 yg lemah bahasa inggeris.
3- Menambahkan lebih byk tenaga pengajar di bidang bahasa inggeris.
4- Buat kempen supaya ibu bapa mengasuh menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dirumah.
Banyak lagi cadangan mungkin boleh dibincangkan utk meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa universal (BI) ttp jgnlah sehinggakan Bahasa Malaysia dianaktirikan sedemikian rupa.
Syabas diucapkan pada Dato' Khir Toyo yg juga bertegas menentang pelaksanaan PPSMI. Malah beliau juga memberikan pendapat yg baik dlm menambah baikkan keberkesanan PPSMI. Adalah hairan bilamana kebanyakan ahli politik tidak bersuara bila berhadapan dgn isu ini.
Di mana PAS dalam isu memperjuangkan Bahasa Melayu dalam Matematik dan Sains (PPSMI)?
Mereka lantang mengkritik bila berhadapan dgn isu2 tertentu. Ttp dalam isu ini, tidak terdengar kenyataan pimpinan tertinggi dlm berhadapan isu ini meskipun pada permulaan dahulunya merekalah yg menentang idea tersebut. Kenapa sekarang diam membisu?
Dimana suara PKR sedangkan didalam Kongress mereka baru2 ini ada perwakilan guru yg menaikkan isu tersebut ? Kenapa Dato' Seri Anwar diam membisu isu ini? Adakah takut hilang penyokong ?
Dimana lagi suara2 pejuang2 Bahasa Kebangsaan yg lain. Mana suara2 kepimpinan UMNO yg lain? Jgn hanya berckp soal bangsa ttp asas bahasa tidak dipertahankan.
Kesimpulannya perlaksaan PPSMI hanya akan mengkronikkan masalah keciciran pelajar hatta akan meningkatkan jurang perbezaan bandar vs Luar bandar. Jgnlah jadi seperti "Kera di hutan disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan".
Lagi pandangan Isu ini
- PPSMI perosak Bangsa Malaysia
Dec 23, 2008
Ujian Saringan HIV & Islam
Cadangan kerajaan utk mewajibkan Ujian Saringan HIV dilihat sbg cadangan yg amat bernas. Malahan terdapat negeri2 yg telah melaksanakan ujian saringan tersebut iaitu Negeri Johor & juga bbrp negeri lain.
Pada pandangan saya, ini merupakan idea yg baik. Jika hak asasi manusia yg dijadikan Isu. Apa pula hak sbg bakal isteri & bakal anak yg dikandung. Jgn dilihat ujian ini sbg penghalang kepada mereka2 yg nak berkahwin. Malah ujian ini amat bagus memandangkn pasangan akan mengetahui keadaan kesihatan pasangan masing2 sebelum berkahwin.
Hanya mereka2 yg mempunyai gaya hidup tidak sihat sahaja yg mungkin takut pada cadangan tersebut. Saya lihat cadangan tersebut menjadi salah satu faktor utk tidak melakukan maksiat. (Sekurang2nya ada satu lagi faktor rasa takut pada insan utk melakukan dosa).
Pada NGO yg diwakili oleh bukan Islam. Kenapa perlu bantah pada cadangan yg hanya akan dilaksanakan kpd org2 Islam. Cukuplah 'interfear' dgn agama org lain. Ini merupakan cadangan kepada pasangan iSlam sahaja.. Saya tidak nampak ia tidak dpt dilaksanakan kerana ia telah lama dipraktikkan oleh negeri JOHOR & kebanyakan negeri.
Tidak lupa jugak, kita tidak perlulah pandangan yg ekstrim yaitu "pembawa perlu dikuarantin". Jgn lah sampai mcm tu. Tak eloklah. Dia pun manusia juga. Mungkin bukan atas kehendak dia menjadi pembawa HIV. Biarlah mereka mendapatkan rawatan yg sewajarnya & jika pasangan masing2 tidak kisah mereka pembawa HIV maka teruslah berkahwin. Bukan bermakna jika salah satu pasangan dikesan sbg positif maka Jabatan agama ISlam akan menghalang mereka berkahwin. Sesi kaunseling akan diadakan utk mmberitahu risiko perkahwinan kepada pasangan. Dan jika pasangan masih mahu berkahwin saya rasa Jabatan Agama tiada halangan.
Saya cadangkan jika kebanyakan rakyat bersetuju dgn saranan ini perlu diperluaskan lagi kepada semua pasangan di seluruh malaysia tidak kira islam @ bukan ISlam.
Saranan ujian ini mendapat reaksi baik dr ahli2 politik, akedemik, NGO, Institusi Raja malahan org ramai. Saya amat kagum pada pertama kalinya saya lihat terdapat titik pertemuan @ kesepakatan dlm sesuatu isu. Kenyataan dr Dato' Najib, Ir Nizar & juga Tengku Mahkota Pahang menunjukkan perkembangan yg menarik dlm politik & kepimpinan tanahair.
Akhir kata saya nak pinjam kata2 Prof ini (dipetik dr akhbar Utusan): -
"Sesungguhnya langkah terkehadapan yg diambil oleh pihak pentadbir ISLAM itu harus diteladani kerana kesan & manfaatnya terbukti bersifat universal & boleh digunapakai utk semua kaum di Malaysia." - Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yusoff Ismail Dekan, Fakulti Sains Sosial Gunaan, Open University Malaysia.
Dec 21, 2008
Global Warming - An Inconvenient Truth
Global Warming. An inconvenient truth. It's quite new to Malaysians. Sometime we often hear some people says I've never heard of it or i don't know what it is. What is it anyway?
The entrapment of this heat will result in temperature rise. A research from sample taken (from ice) 1860 to 2000 shows the temperature rises significantly thru the years. These happen when the human population emerge & use fossil fuel quite extensively resulting the release of huge amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
This picture shows evidence of effects of global warming. The extra heat that been trap in earth atmosphere makes our earth a little more hotter than usual. The picture shows evidence of the effects in Argentina. We can see clearly what have happen. Picture 1920 vs 2004. The effect of this will be melting of ice at the place where it was not supposed to be. Places like Mount Kilimanjaro, Alps in Italy, Peru, Lake chad in Nigeria & North Pole are evidence of what had happen due to global warming.
But this is just the beginning. There will be more to come effects to come if we don't do something. Let me tell you some of tragedy that already took place due to this global warming :-
3. Severe drought in places such as Africa.
(due to evaporation of moisture from soil)
The sums of all fear is this. If half of Greenland & half of west Antarctica broke up & melted. 20 feet of water rise might occurs. This will eventually perish some of our coastal cities such as JB, Klang, KB, Kuantan & others. This is no joke. It might happen. If this happen i think we need to redrawn our world map. And this is actually is happening as we speak (please refer Greenland Picture)
We must act now. Together with people's around the world to fight this common threat. We Malaysian have the ability to do this. Each of one of us contributes to global warming. But each of us, can make choices to minimise that. With the things we buy, the electricity we use, the car we drive, we can make choices to bring our individual carbon emission to zero. The solution is in our hand.We just need determination.
These are some of the measures we can individually take to fight this threat.
Other Perspektif :- Special thanks to all fighting global warming & contribution from pictures, notes & quote i use for the article.Special thanks to An Inconvenient Truth movie which encourage me to write this article.
Dec 19, 2008
Persetiaan dengan Sultan Kedah, 1791
Pada 16 hari bulan Syaaban tahun Hijriah 1205, hari Ahad.
Perkara I
Perkara II
Perkara III
Perkara IV
Other Perspektif :-
"Persetiaan ini menunjukkan & memperbetulkan tanggapan umum bahawa Pulau Pinang diserahkan kepada Syarikat Hindia Timur pada tahun 1786. Sebelum Persetiaan tahun 1791 ini ditandatangani org Inggeris menduduki Pulau Pinang secara paksa. Persetiaan ini merupakan kebenaran rasmi terawal pendudukan org Inggeris di Negeri-negeri Melayu & diikuti petempatan British di Singapura." <--Perspektif Sejarah Mengapa saya ulas @ paparkan kembali sejarah perjanjian ini. 1. Antara sbb adalah utk rakan2 negeri & rakyat malaysia betapa kita sering lupa akan kepentingan sejarah dlm kita membuat keputusan. Terutamanya sekali oleh pihak kerajaan (PR or BN). Jika dilihat dr konteks persetiaan ini, dpt lihat seolah2 kerana $$, kuasa & pengaruh maka tanah Pulau Pinang dijual secara halus kepada Inggeris. 2. Mungkinkah sejarah seperti ini akan berulang ? YA! jawapannya. Tetapi dari konteks yang berlainan. Sedar @ tidak, sejarah telahpun berulang bilamana pada tahun 1965 Singapura mendapat kemerdekaan dr Malaysia (satu lagi tanah melayu jatuh ke tangan asing). Dan berulang kembali bila Pulau Batu Puteh jatuh ke tangan Singapura pada awal 2008. 3. Mungkin kita tidak sedar ttp telah terdapat tanda2 awal @ kemungkinan sejarah akan berulang dr sudut berlainan. Apakah ia? Ia adalah "Terlepasnya Hak Tanah Melayu secara total bilamana Perlembagaan berjaya dirombak kerana wujudnya org2 Melayu yg liberal & penentang2 sejarah" Persoalannya mungkinkah perkara ini akan berlaku ?
Jika dilihat dari konteks politik sekarang tidak kira dr BN, PR @ NGO terdapat suara2 yg lantang mempertikaikan asas perlembagaan negara. Antara yg disentuh adalah agama, hak keistimewaan, raja2 & bahasa. Sampai bila pimpinan Melayu boleh bertahan? Bilamana mereka diasak dr berbagai sudut. Akan sampai satu ketika mereka mungkin tiada pilihan dek kerana undi, maka akan menjadi korbanlah asas perlembagaan negara. Persoalannya sekarang siapakah yg patut bertindak, menentang & harus sedar keadaan yg gamat ini mungkin berlaku. Jawapannya kita! Lupakan teras perjuangan politik & latar belakang. Bersatulah atas dasar semangat Tanah Melayu & marilah bertindak senada!! Kita boleh berbeza fahaman politik ttp diharapkan kita senada bilamana asas perlembagaan negara diusik. BOLEHKAH KITA? Jika jawapan kita TIDAK! (oleh kerana tamakkan kuasa & takut hilang undi bkn melayu), maka bersedialah kita utk berdepan dgn berulangnya sejarah seperti "terlepas Pulau Pinang kpd Inggeris".
p/s: Amat menyokong penuh matapelajaran Sejarah diwajibkan pada anak2 malaysia & diajar dlm bahasa Ibunda (BM shj)
Dec 17, 2008
1st Class Treatment? A look into Bukit Antarabangsa Tragedy.
*Even MB suggest to give them good accommodations hotel with half price by state government? -why this such treatment occurs only for this people? why there's no such statement given to flood victims & storm victims in Selangor before this? Let them live in school like the rest of other victims around Malaysia. Why should we give them 1st class treatment in a expense of tax payers money.?
* Even Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin suggested the effected people been provided with free hotels.
*Even free taxi rides also offered. - Great spirit but perhaps it should be done for other tragedy as well. Not selective & seasonal sentiments.
*Even permanent bridge were set up instantly. Kudos. - Compared to what happen in Sabah & Sarawak. They were left for several weeks before roads were restored. Maybe this rural folk dint have that high connection & less vocal that's why they're left out. This kind of action maybe does not applies to rural people perhaps?
Dec 14, 2008
Salam Aidil Adha & Negeri Kedah.
Setelah sekian lama berada dirantauan maka pulanglah anak negeri berdondong-dondong ke negeri Kedah. Kesempatan juga diambil oleh cek utk pulang berhari raya melawat kampung halaman (langkawi) & ibu negeri kedah (undangan kawin rakan).
Amat sedih & hiba melihat suasana muram Aloq Setaq. Kelihatan amat tidak terurus & sampah sarap merata-rata. Hati kecil ini membuat kesimpulan mungkin hanya kerana musim cuti. Tekaan melarat bila sekali lagi cek turun ke Aloq Setaq sekali lagi atas urusan menunaikan zakat.
Atas dasar rakyat kedah yg sayangkan negeri teguran mesti dibuat. Maka inilah antara yg nak disimpulkan.
1- Jeti Kuala Kedah & Sekitar.
** Apa nak jadi ni. Sampah sarap di kawasan sekitar jeti tidak dikutip. Malahan di kawasan perumahan rakyat miskin PPRT kuala kedah sampah menimbun melebihi had. Tandas di Jeti? takyah komen lah. Pi tgk sendirilah.
2- Jubli Emas Sultan Kedah
** Kalaulah cek yang jadi sultan. Rasanya mmg kecik hati sungguh. Amat dingin melihat sambutan, banner & poster. Tapi mungkin sbb sudah sampai ke penghujung tahun?
3- Taman Rimba (bersebelahan dgn pusat pentadbiran)
** Kawasan ini menjadi antara kawasan jogging waktu zaman bersekolah di KSAH dulu. Amat teruk sekali keadaan kawasan tersebut. Tidak dapat digambarkan keadaan kawasan tersebut jika dibandingkan dgn dahulu. Penyelenggaraan amat buruk & teruk ttp tidak dapat mematahkan semangat anak negeri kedah utk sama-sama beriadah. Yg sedihnya lokasi taman yg berdekatan dgn pusat pentadbiran tidak memberi kesan kepada faktor penyelengaraan yg baik.
4- Pekan Rabu & Sekitar.
** Menjadi tempat persinggahan yg wajib bila ke Aloq Setaq. Pekasam & kain pelikat antara kewajipan pembeli. Jambatan merintangi jalan masih dihuni pengemis. Dimana silapnya negeri Kebajikan? adakah mereka ini tidak mendapat pembelaan? Harapan agar ini tidak berlarutan sbb akan mencacatkn lagi pemandangan ibu negeri yg ternyata telah cacat. Bab sampah sarap pun dah malas nak ulas.
Kesimpulannya keseluruhan kawasan yg dikunjungi oleh cek berada dalam keadaan dibawah 'par'. Tindakan susulan perlu dilakukan segera demi negeri tercinta. Majlis Bandaraya & Kerajaan Negeri perlu melaksanakan tanggungjawab yg diamanahkan rakyat. Tiada alasan & menuding jadi diperlukan. Hanya tindakan sahaja yg diperlukan. Ini antara secebis kepincangan & teguran atas dasar sayangkan negeri.
Akhir kata, berdasarkan kenyataan YB Ust Azizan mengenai kawasan tadahan hujan di kedah.
cek nak ingatkan kembali manifesto kerajaan negeri yg berikrar utk menjaga kawasan tadahan hujan & hutan dalam manifesto PRU-12. Ini merupakan janji PAS & PR. Jadi jgnlah memungkiri janji.
Ini bukan caranya utk dapat kan duit utk negeri. Sepatutnya cubalah mencari lebih pelaburan asing ke kawasan Kulim Hi-tech misalnya. Sekaligus akan mewujudkan peluang pekerjaan pada anak negeri kedah. Amat kesal mendengar Dato' Syukri dipaksa letak jawatan hanya kerana berbeza ideologi dari kerajaan negeri. Rakyat kedah seperti inilah patut dijaga dek kerana kapasiti beliau yg berjaya menarik byk pelaburan ke daerah Kulim.
Cek hanya mahukan yg terbaik utk negeri tercinta.
Salam Aidil Adha pada semua Umat ISlam terutamanya rakan-rakan senegeri!!
Dec 6, 2008
Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat. Ulasan Hasil Kongress PKR 08.
Kalau DSAI berjaya pun mem'beli' 30 MP melompat parti tidakkah PR ingat BN tidak boleh berjaya utk memujuk 8 MP PR (byk yg kecewa akhir2 ini) melompat parti utk mendapat suara majoriti dlm parlimen. Kalau dilihat dgn lebih teliti 8 MP melompat parti lebih mudah dr 30 MP melompat parti bukan. ? Tetapi BN tidak berbuat demikian atas dasar hormat pada pilihan rakyat.
Jika berjayapun 30 MP melompat parti tidakkah perbuatan ini bertentangan dgn laungan DSAI & PR dr segi moral & kononnya demokrasi? Adakah mungkin 30 MP akan melompat parti atas dasar suka-suka tanpa ada imbuhan jawatan mahupun wang ringgit. (Boleh percaya ka). Jadi adakah kerajaan yg sedemikian menjadi idaman/pilihan rakyat?
Kalaulah ini terjadi bermakna kerajaan PR akan hilang kredibiliti sebagai pilihan rakyat yg mahukan perubahan & bukan kerajaan yg mendapat kuasa hasil taburan jawatan, imbuhan @ wang ringgit. Maka akan berakhirlah riwayat PR dlm PRU-13 jika ini berlaku.
Sepatutnya kerajaan PR patut berusaha dlm melaksanakan manifesto & janji-janji pilihanraya. Malahan patut menunjukkan kepada rakyat yg 5 kerajaan pimpinannya berjaya menarik lebih pelabur asing & lebih berdaya saing disaat-saat yg sukar.
Oh ya, jika berckp ttg FDI teringat saya mengenai KM Penang. Dimana beliau amat berbangga dapat menarik pelabur KOrea utk melabur dlm pembinaan kelab golf di Penang. Jadi berbanggalah warga Pulau Pinang bila dapat mengisi jawatan kosong seperti kedi, pelayan, pengutip bola golf & pekebun-pekebun di situ. Tahniah Lim Guang Eng!! Tak semudah yg disangka bukan bila sudah memegang jawatan?
Jika dilihat sudah 9 bulan berlalu tiada apa yg boleh dibanggakan dibuat oleh PR. Malah isu-isu panas & politik semakin byk dipertikai rakyat terutama sekali org2 melayu.
Masa berlalu amat pantas. Jika keadaan ini berpanjangan tidak mustahil ini merupakan kali terakhir 4 Negeri PR memerintah!!
Dec 5, 2008
Tiada Yang Lebih Indah..
Menjadi pembuka hari,
Manusia berpusu-pusu berlari,
Mencari sesuap nasi,
Fajar menyinsing tiba,
Melakar warna hiba,
Pulangnya wahai manusia,
Membawa pelbagai cerita,
Tiada yg lebih indah,
Melihat anak-anak berlari,
Melayan ketawa tari,
Menjadi pengubat diri,
Bagi menempuh keesokan hari,
Other Perspektif :-
Nukilan & kata2 yg tersirat & tersurat. (maaf jika ayat tunggang langgang).
Dec 1, 2008
Scrap vernacular schools, one system for all. Mukhriz
KUALA LUMPUR Monday December 1, 2008 : Umno Youth chief aspirant Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir has called on the Government to abolish the vernacular school system as a means to enhance unity among people of various races.
He said a single school system was the only way to check the racial polarisation that was getting out of control in the country.
“The government should consider introducing only one school system with Bahasa Malaysia as the medium of instruction, except for Science and Mathematics which are already being taught in English.
“Of course, pupils should then be given the option to study their mother tongues. Under this system, the Malays will also have the option of studying other languages like Mandarin and Tamil and this will further boost unity among them,” he told reporters at Parliament House on Monday.
The Umno Youth exco member said it was time for Malaysia to do away with the dual school system, which was practised by only a handful of countries in the world, as it had contributed to the problem of disunity in the country.
He said over 99% of countries in the world practised a single school system.
He expressed hope that leaders of Barisan Nasional component parties would not take his suggestion in a negative light as it was only meant as a suggestion to resolve, once and for all, the problem of racial polarisation affecting the citizenry.
“If they reject this suggestion, then they should explain why they are against it. How is it possible for them on one hand to talk about unity and question Malay rights, while on the other hand still insist on having a different school system for their race?
“If you want equal rights then you cannot have a different school system. You cannot have your cake and eat it too,” he added.
He also urged all parties to stop harping on issues that could create tension among Barisan component parties, including on the issue of Ketuanan Melayu or Malay supremacy.
Lately, he said, there were many statements made by leaders of component parties that had the potential to create anger among the Malays and Umno members.
“If they insist on making statements on that issue, then do not be surprised if the Malays start talking about the economic supremacy of the non-Malays.
“Despite all that has been said on the issue of Malay supremacy, the Malays do not feel in any ---way superior or the master when it comes to the country’s economy,” he said.
Other Perspektif :-
At last somebody have the guts to speak. Dato' Mukriz i salute u. I hope more MP's from UMNO, PKR & PAS are supporting this. Why can't we assimilate with other races. A lot of blogger are talking about this since a long time. I've also express my feeling towards this issue last month in one of my article. The non-malay spoke openly about malay rights, ketuanan melayu & other thing. Let us see how will they react by this.
I'm not surprise if they call Dato Mukriz a racist :).
I really hope that UMNO leaders will support this ideas & PKR leader DSAI have the guts to support it as well. Also can't wait to see what DAP have to say & PAS as well. Oh not to forget MCA MIC & Gerakan. :)
We can see now who are the true leader of unity & equality which will leads us in the years to come. Not like some so called leaders which take issues selectively for political reason.
We'll see.
Nov 27, 2008
Road Sign/ Papan Tanda Issue ?
What’s your choice? What’s your stand? Probably for some of us it does not mean anything. But for others it does mean something.
Let us see from Other Perspective shall we.
From one point of view, this additional name (in other language) is actually for tourist attraction & to accommodate the tourist itself. Hm.. If that’s the case two language is not enough. Probably put some ‘France language’ or ‘Sweden language’ or ‘Norwegian language’ etc. Perhaps we should target this kind of tourist since the spending $$$ power is even greater than Indian, Arabs or Chinese Citizen.
On second thought should we go against it? I must say this might seems rather childish to make a fuss such a simple issue. After all, the public should have complained to PBT the used of other language (other than BM or BI) on advertisement & shop signs. Don’t be selective on issues related to politics. It’s been quite a while & if you guys notice there’s a lot of shops it in Johor Bharu or Penang having non-approved signs (other language than BM or BI). The used of fully other language is quite a surprise without action from PBT (Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan).
Well some may say, “its just politics” & some politicised the issue. I think both party politicised the issue. It is two parties trying to get support from the public. They don’t know in a way there making our more split due to this idiotic issue. (I blame both party)
In the mean time, the government should make an amendment of the law on usage of language. Prioritise national language & make it compulsory. Maybe some exception can be given to certain areas for other areas. Make it a clear guideline & discuss. When it been gazetted then nobody can question it. I think this in a way will clear the problem. Now there are a lot of grey areas & different people interpret their own way.
Honestly, I’m against the suggestion. For me why we make something out of nothing? What bring it up? It’s like installing a toilet in the middle of public areas. Some will be against it & of course upset people. And some will be supporting even though they are not suggested or used one. But at the end of the day you can make both parties happy by not having one. Just scarp the idea.
Why not? Case close right?
Nov 22, 2008
TAx : Cukai Pendapatan 2008
individu terhad kepada RM3,000 setahun. Senang sahaja nak pohon, pergi ke wakil SSPN (cthnya :- BSN, PNB dll) cuma bawak :-
Nov 19, 2008
Durian "King of the Fruit"
Nov 17, 2008
Education. Are we in the right direction?
But there's simple issue which will effect unity still there. We must acknowledge this unity must start from the beginning of schooldays or from young generations.
I'm going to talk about Sek Jenis Kebangsaan. Many might not agreed on what i said but it is the fact that all must think deeply with an open heath.
The schools make us apart in a way & we tend to be not mixed with each other. Imagine that we tends to be separated in the beginning. I must say that the current school system is a good reason the rift between races is so big as now.
Even worst nowdays, where 90% of non-malays tends to send their kids to this kind school. So think about it when will your kids blend with others. If this simple thing cannot start from the beginning, when can we start then?
I'm not sure how old are you or where do u learn during your old days. But for me i venture having friends with different races in those days. Those friends still stick up till now. This is among simple unity which will breed up till we grow.
To think about it ? when do we tend to have mixed friends. It is either from university or at work. Why can't we start from the beginning. Which is from school days. Not that i'm against the Sek Jenis Kebangsaan thing but this actually will segregate the community.
I suggested we implement a single streamlined school system but give everyone the option to learn Chinese and/or Tamil regardless of race. We need to more or less help to close our gaps between races. Strengthen our brotherhood & at least make us less prejudice between each other. What's the point having bangsa malaysia if still we prioritise motherland tongue rather that interest of malaysia.
By separating our kids wont help in the long run. We can start with our children. Children cannot distinguish between races (just like the Petronas advertisement). . Kids will become awkward when confronting other kids.
Ask yourself ? How in the oldays u were raise. Maybe bloggers within my age are lucky to have mixed culture due to this Sek KEbangsaan is not that famous in oldays. But nowdays, its become a trend especially in Suburbs.
Nov 13, 2008
Melayu paling ramai pendapatan bawah RM1,000
Kenapa jadi begini. Adakah DEB patut dipersalahkan? atau BN dan perlaksanaan DEB? atau salah kaum bumiputera sendiri.
Nov 11, 2008
Cheaper 'Roti'.. Does it makes any different.
Then stop blaming other for our misfortune! Grow UP.. (Same goes to me as well).
Nov 10, 2008
Singapura belum sedia pilih PM bukan Cina – Hsien Loong
Other Perspektif :---
Tidak terkejut mendengar kenyataan berikut drpd PM Singapura. Inilah bakal jadinya pada Malaysia jika Hak Keistimewaan Org Melayu dihapuskan. Sedih melihat negara yg mempunyai 14% Kaum Melayu dinafikan hak utk sama2 memerintah negara. Tidak seorg pun Menteri Kabinet daripada Kaum Minoriti. Jika dibandingkan dgn Malaysia kaum minoriti lebih bertuah. Disamping mempunyai ramai yg memegang portfolia Menteri mereka juga memegang banyak jawatan dlm badan kerajaan, Kerajaan negeri & lain-lain. Mestipun MP kaum lain (BN) kalah teruk dlm PRU-12 kerajaan masih tidak mengusik kuota kaum atas dasar semangat setiakawan. Tetapi madu dibalas tuba.
Nov 9, 2008
Mapex 2008 & National Graduate CaReer Carnival 2008
Unfortunately, after nearly 2 hours walking around the MAPEX exhibition centre we realise something. It's quite impossible to get an affordable property now days. Most of the property ranges 200k above for condos & apartments, 450k above for landed properties. However, in the mist of the upset we manage to meet developer of apartment which price more or less around his budget. One is in Kajang (about 10km away from Kajang itself) & one is near the border of Shah Alam Klang (JPJ & Puspakom Batu 13). Unfortunately both are far away from civilisation & basic transportation need such as LRT, Komuter or etc2.
Among the developers involved are I&P, Mutiara Rini, Platinum Victory, Sunway City & many more. The government agency involved are Kementerian Pelancongan, Kementerian Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan & Perbendaharaan Malaysia. Non-developers include USM, I-Property & Ho Chin Soon Research (with nice details maps seller). Not to forget the banks which one of the pretty ladies managed force me to sign up with their credit card application (which i will cut it anyway when it arrived).
When the hopes seems to fade we went out the MAPEX 2008 & head to another event which is National Graduate Career Carnival 2008. Maybe this will cheer him up i think (a lot of young beautiful graduates among the visitors).
Its quite a surprise with the turn up. A lot of grads & students. Its a great & happening event. Seems that all the visitors were well dressed & some managed to slip through an interview session with the companies participating.
After observation of this two great event i realise something. Most of the participants coming to the MAPEX are non-bumi's & most of participants in Career Carnival were Bumi's. Not that i want to be particular about it. But, Its the fact. I observed it myself. There's a lot of differences. I can see most of the sales for high price $$ properties were non-bumi's buyers. Even the middle class properties were mostly sold to non-bumi customers. Its seems that the bumi's purchasing power still very low. I can see the the property which priced 100k below packed with bumi's & some Indians.
Whatever it is, i would like to congratulate the organiser of MAPEX 2008 which is REHDA & supported by Kementerian Perumahan & Kerajaan Tempatan for a great event. I also congratulate the organiser of National Graduate Career Carnival 2008 which is Ministry of Higher Education & supported by Kementerial Sumber Manusia/ Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia/ Pemuda UMNO for a great opportunity for graduates & to be workers.