Oct 24, 2010

Majlis Tertinggi Agenda Bumiputera : Usul Ekonomi UMNO

Antara cadangan yg paling bernas disuarakan pada perhimpunan Agung UMNO kali ini adalah cadangan utk mewujudkan badan pemantauan khas bagi meneliti, memantau & menyelaras dalam memastikan peningkatan secara ekonomi samada dari ekuiti, hartanah bumiputera @ peluang ekonomi di Malaysia.

UMNO mengusulkan penubuhan Majlis Tertinggi Agenda Bumiputera (MTAB) bertujuan mewujudkan Masyarakat Perdagangan & Perindustrian Bumiputera (BCIC) yg benar-benar berjaya. Dengan pengawasan rapi MTAB terhadap agenda membantu bumiputera di semua kementerian & jabatan, ekonomi bumiputera dapat ditransformasikan menjadi ekonomi yg moden & kompetitif selaras dgn Model Baru Ekonomi yg insklusif.

MTAB diusulkan berperanan sebagai badan pemantau dan penyelaras agenda bumiputera. Utk lebih berkesan MTAB perlu dipengerusikan oleh Perdana Menteri.

Diatas antara usul yg dicadangkan oleh Datuk Seri Awang Adek dalam meningkatkan ekonomi Bumiputera. Bukannya bumiputera tidak reti bersaing. Tetapi Bumiputera masih jauh ketinggalan dibandingkan dgn kaum lain. Sehinggakan sasaran penguasaan 30% kek ekonomi masih jauh dr realiti. Sedangkan dgn perlindungan & hak keistimewaan Bumiputera masih jauh ketinggalan. Jadi, jika tiada perlindungan & hak tersebut, masih mampukan Bumiputera bersaing. Itulah menjadi persoalan.

Hakikatnya adalah terdapat byk dasar kerajaan yg membantu bumiputera. Tetapi ia tidak diselaraskan secara sistematik dibawah satu badan. Tiada badan khusus utk memantau, memberitahu, mengkaji & menggalakan golongan ini utk lebih berdaya saing dgn kaum lain. Bumiputera ingin maju, ingin menceburi bidang2 ekonomi tertentu tetapi tiada penerangan tentang bantuan, peluang mahupun tunjuk ajar utk berdiri & berlari ke arah yg betul.

Tidak dinafikan DEB telah wujud setelah sekian lama, tetapi Bumiputera masih belum mencapai sasaran. Ia berpunca daripada perlaksanaan dasar. Hanya mereka yg tahu sahaja tentang apa yg dinyatakan sebagai peluang kepada Bumiputera mengambil inisiatif/insentif @ kelebihan ini. Ini selalunya mereka yg rapat dgn badan pelaksana kerajaan (penjawat awam), institusi kewangan & bbrp badan yg secara tak langsung mendapat manfaat /agen drpd agenda ini. Dalam erti kata lain, kronisma berlaku & pemberian peluang tidak bersifat menyeluruh sehinggakan hanya menguntungkan org tertentu sahaja.

Pelbagai kesusahan kadang2 sengaja ditimbulkan bagi merumitkan peluang perniagaan, pemberian lesen, pemberian faedah @ pinjaman walaupun syarat2 asas dipenuhi. Ini yg sebenarnya berlaku diluar sana tanpa pemantauan & tiada sapa utk mengadu masalah. Pada akhirnya bermulalah ketidakpuasa hati & menuding jari menyalahkan pihak kerajaan hasil dek sbb pegawai2 tertentu yg bermasalah menunjuk kuasa, mempunyai agenda @ mungkin juga dijaga pihak2 tertentu. Inilah yg menghancurkan aspirasi kerajaan dalam membesarkan kek ekonomi bumiputera.

Dengan adanya MTAB ia perlu menjadi titik fokus kepada agenda bumiputera dgn KPI diletakkan seadanya dalam mencapai tahap 30% penguasaan ekonomi. Mungkin sasaran patut diberikan kepada MTAB utk mencapai tahap tersebut sebelum tahun 2020. Setiap tahun pula MTAB perlu melaporkan & diteliti pencapaian mereka dalam merealisasikan agenda bumiputera.

Syabas Datuk Dr Awang Adek kerana mengusulkan satu cadangan yg paling bernas pada Perhimpunan Agong UMNO. Kita doakan ia menjadi realiti di kemudian hari dgn secara dasarnya pun Perdana Menteri & Timbalan Perdana Menteri pun menyokong usul tersebut. Kita tgk adakah ia akan terlaksana @ hanya usul menyedap rasa..

p/s: Menanti yg tidak pasti, mendoakan ia bakal terjadi.. Insyallah.. comments

Oct 23, 2010

Amanat Presiden : Peranan UMNO & Perlembagaan Negara

Pada Khamis lepas Presiden UMNO telah menyampai amanat yg penting. Setelah sekian kalinya menunggu dengan penuh debaran, Presiden UMNO telah menyatakan pendirian yg teguh terhadap utuhnya perjuangan Melayu melalui UMNO disamping tidak menidakkan hak kaum yg lain.

Sepertimana yg dinyatakan dalam ucapan beliau :
"UMNO tidak sekali-kali akan membiarkan bangsa Melayu menjadi bangsa yg melukut ditepi gantang, bangsa yg menjadi dagang di negeri sendiri".

Tidak seperti PAS contohnya di Perak dimana mereka terpaksa gadaikan prinsip sendiri demi mengikut telunjuk DAP. (bukti : Nizar Gadai Negara Islam)

Ucapan Presiden UMNO adalah yg amat ditunggu-tunggu oleh sekalian org Melayu & bumiputera baik mereka yg didalam UMNO @ diluar sana. Yg amat menarik kenyataan kukuh beliau yg menyatakan :-
"Kedudukan org Melayu serta Bumiputera & kepentingan kaum-kaum lain dari segi politik telah termaktub jelas dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ia 'terkunci kemas' dalam artikel-artikel Bahagian 3 , mengenai kewarganegaraan, Perkara 38 berkait Majlis Raja-Raja, Perkara 152 tentang Bahasa Kebangsaan & Perkara 153 mencakupi antara lain Perezaban kuota perkhitmatan & permit utk org Melayu".

"Kita mesti memahami & mengetahui bahawa, pindaan terhadap artikel-artikel ini tidak boleh dilakukan tanpa persetujuan Majlis Raja-Raja mengikut Perkara 159 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Ia ditambah kukuh pula oleh Perkara 10 Fasal 4, yg memberi kuasa kepada Parlimen bg menggubal undang2 merlarang perbuatan mempersoal apa2 perkara, hak, taraf, kedudukan, keistimewaan, kedaulatan @ hak kedaulatan yg ditetapkan @ diperlinding oleh perungkan Bahagian 3, Perkara 152, 153 & Perkara 181."

Kenyataan, undang2 & perkara yg diulas oleh Perdana Menteri hakikat yg tidak boleh diubah. Sekiranya pun Dato Seri Anwar menang dalam PRU-13. Adalah mustahil perlembagaan negara boleh diubah meskipun mempunyai 2/3 majoriti di Parlimen. Mungkin DSAI mahupun ahli-ahli Parlimen DAP, PKR & PAS yg lain perlu meneliti peruntukan diatas sebelum mengeluarkan kenyataan @ janji2 kosong utk hak sama rata sama rasa. (Lihat betapa jangkalnya kenyataan Nurul Izzah mengulas ucapan Perdana Menteri)

Mahukah Majlis Raja-Raja menyokong @ meluluskan perubahan peruntukan Perlembagaan Malaysia kepada mereka yg mempertikaikan peranan raja-raja, tidak menghormati institusi beraja & pelbagai kenyataan yg menginggung raja-raja. Jawapannya sudah tentu tidak. Sekiranya darurat sekalipun diistiharkan tetap tidak dapat mengubah peranan Majlis Raja-raja dlm meluluskan perubahan pada Perlembagaan Malaysia. Jadi udah-udahla berjanji kosong kepada bukan bumiputera.

Saya cabar, kepada Bar Council @ Majlis Peguam utk menyangkal ucapan yg dinyatakan oleh Presiden UMNO ataupun menyokong kenyataan tersebut. Juga saya cadangkan dalam roadshow @ program "MyConstitution" yg dibuat oleh mereka dimasukkan @ dinyatakan yg Hak Keistimewaan Org Melayu & Bumiputera tidak boleh diubah melainkan dgn 2/3 majoriti di Parlimen dgn perkenan Majlis Raja-raja. Cek dapat rasakan mereka tidak akan bercerita benda ini memandangkan ia tidak mungkin dipersetujui oleh majoriti org2 kuat ahli mereka.

Sepertimana kata PM :
Apa yg menjadi masalah dalam keadaan ini, ketegangan akan timbul akibat sejarah dienteng @ dilupakn akibat perjalanan masa, @ juga apabila ada pihak2 tidak bertanggungjawab yg cuba mentafsir semula semua itu, supaya sesuai dgn kepentingan serta agenda sempit kelompok masing2.

Bagi Bangsa Melayu khususnya, perasaan mereka amat terhiris kerana ikrar budiman yg terpateri di ambang merdeka kini diungkit kembali. Sedangkn, berpayung sumpah & janji itulah kita sanggup membuat pengorbanan terbesar bg mencapai sebuah kemerdekaan, yakni berkongsi pemilikan Tanah Melayu dgn kaum-kaum lain.

Serentak dgn itu, penerimaan kerakyatan yg berasaskn prinsip jos soli @ hak tempat kelahiran berbanding prinsip jus sanguinis yakni hak darah dgn sekelip mata telah mentransformasikan lankskap sosio-politik Tanah Melayu utk selama-lamanya.

Sudah jenuh kita bercakap soal asas perlembagaan Malaysia. Diulangi lagi oleh PM kita. Janganlah kita menjadi seperti kes-kes @ tragedi 1969 berulang akibat ketegangan antara kaum. Janganlah yg elok menjadi retak, janganlah yg bersambung menjadi putus.

Kepada UMNO & Presiden UMNO. Jadilah tunjang @ juara dalam meletakkan org Melayu & Bumiputera sejajar dgn peruntukan Perlembagaan. Jangan hanya bercakap omong kosong menyedap telinga mengharapkan sokongan Melayu tanpa meletakkan ia dalam aspirasi Kerajaan. Perlunya peruntukan dalam perlembagaan diterjemahkan dgn melaksanakan polisi kerajaan dalam membawa Bumiputera & org Melayu supaya berdaya saing dgn kaum-kaum lain.

p/s : Melihat kepada Ucapan Beliau maka cek pahamlah apa yg cuba dibawa oleh DSN, 1Malaysia & juga UMNO dibawah kepimpinannya. (menunggu reaksi DAP, MCA, Gerakan, MIC & juga NGO mengenai Amanat Presiden). comments

Oct 21, 2010

Budget Overview 2011 ~ Green & Renewable Energy

Green Energy

- Exemption import duty for hybrid cars

I was expecting something in this Budget. Things like tax exemption for purchasing energy rating or green item products. The benefits are, while promoting green energy at the same time we will promote spending on efficient product. In a way it will help to reduce carbon footprint as well as increasing green rating in Malaysia. The government need to become leader of this. New Rules & regulation need to take place in order to promote awareness & green efficiency to the consumer (learn from Singapore & EU country). Anyway thank you for still giving tax exemption for hybrid car. Let us hope this will be the start for something even bigger in the future.

My advise :-

- create a new rule & regulation for building emphasising green efficiency
- give tax exemption for proven energy rating products (maybe next year budget)
- incentives for company doing green CSR (corporate social responsibility)

Enviromental Development.

- RM 1.9 bil for enviromental development

Kuala Lumpur have a very unique river system. The interconnection of river at Masjid Jamek are among the most spectacular sight in the city. However, the polluted water is a turn off to the tourist & photographer. DBKL need to bring out the true potential of this place and use this allocation to the fullest. DBKL should follow the footstep of Bandar Melaka which the used to be dirty river now become center of attraction to tourists.

My observation :-

-We'll see how this allocation will be used for the upcoming project. (reserve the comment later on)Renewable Energy ACT

- Feed tariff mechanism under the Renewable Energy Act to allow electricity generated by Individual & Independent Provider to be sold to electricity utility company.

Its good to have this act which encourage big companies using renewable energy. Solid waste or waste disposal can generate extra income from burning it. There are some company which used big boilers to dispose the solid waste or liquid waste which can generate some kilowatt of electricity. But currently all this are wasted due Utility company not willing to but the surplus electricity.

This act will eliminate the need to aggressively plan to create another power plant in our country. (save money & time)

My advise :-

- Extend the act by make it a compulsory for waste disposal to have a electricity generated system from burning of their waste. comments

Oct 20, 2010

Budget 2011 - PLUS, Women & Permata

PLUS Highway

- Khazanah Nasional & KWSP to take over PLUS

- 5 years guarantee of no toll hike.

What else can I say, other than it’s a relief. But it’ll all come with high price for GLC which need to complete the takeover the ownership of the company. But to think about it better the GLC takeover rather than MMC which been a while talks about taking over PLUS. If MMC take over PLUS there is no guarantee that no toll hike will took place.

In a way to think about it that’s why its possible to control the toll hike. Bravo!

My advise :

-Improve or have more R&R PLUS highway.


- 90 days of maternity leave (paid ones)

This maybe a start for something big in the future. I do hope that the private sector should follow the government footstep on giving higher maternity leave. Unfortunately as a father of a born child I do hope that the government in the future takes the step of European country which gives a compulsory paternity leave.

Early days of child’s birth are very crucial. Not only to the mother but for the father. There’s lots of stuff need to be done. Things such as baby’s registration, settle the bills, buying stuff, unexpected thing etc2. At the moment only certain MNC (multinational company) having this leave.

My advice :

-Adopt Paternity leave for husbands.


- RM 111 million

At the moment I still try to find a light through this programme. I don’t see it’s beneficial as a whole to the people but only to certain quarters of children which have access to the programme. Until now the existence of the project is still synonym to the wife of Prime Minister Datin Rosmah. Even sometime I wonder where this programme falls into. Under which portfolio or Menteri ? Sometime I even think that Datin have a portfolio in like a menteri when addressing Permata event. A layman on the street even will relate Datin with Permata.

I even comment the programme under different post before. I always assume that only certain quarters of people benefited the programme. People who have access & upon others rural people will be left out. Anyhow, some people might think differently, please check & evaluate yourself. Here & here.. But since my last comment about Permata there's some improvement which i actually quite impressed.

I see the programme already started to reach out to people. Deep to rural areas. Which is a positive sign. Well. I'll reserved my thoughts & comment till sometime. As for Permata Pintar i can see there's quite transparent on statistic of student which attend the exams. That's for the statistic.

But Permata still need to show that the programme benefit all the people & if it can bring out a true potential of students from a very rural area then it will shed the light to a lot of people.

My advice :

- Permata programme shall be handover to relevant Kementerian ASAP to avoid misinterpritation of the community. The faster the better. (Penaung- Datin Rosmah)

- Extend the Permata Programme to benefit the rural one like PAPN. This one should be largely promoted not the Permata Seni etc2..

I will be closely monitor the activity done Publish Post by Permata..


Oct 19, 2010

Budget 2011 Overview - Warisan Merdeka & Property

On Friday 15th October 2010 our beloved prime minister addresses the Budget for Malaysia 2011. Overall expectation was quite high & the response was overwhelming. I will comment some point of the budget & hopefully the governments take note & reconsider certain aspect of the budget which needed improvement.

RM 5 Billion Warisan Merdeka Project.

- RM 5 billion project

- 100 storey building

- In the hearth of KL

What were they thinking. Have a feasibility studies or market study been done when proposing this project? Or its just merely a guts feeling or some recommendation by people who have interest on the project. If its just for pride & glory for another tallest building in the world forget about it. There is no point to undergo this project. Even at the moment the project to develop Kg Baru still not yet rationalise.

Government need to rethink about this project. RM 5 Billion is a lot of money. Better that money spend to take over abandon projects around the city rather than make another mega project which we do not know the whether it will be full or not.

My suggestion : -

- Rather than make it 100 storey building make it lower but fully artistic design based upon the country’s rich cultural diversity.

- Take over abandon projects around the city (using the surplus money on the 1st suggestion above)

Property aspect - Full Loan for 1st time Buyers

- Full loan for income Less RM 3000 house value less than 220k

- 50% Stamp duty exemption for house not exceeding 350k

Reflecting to the current increase of house price or in my words as overpricing of the property market this is among the best announcement by the government. Government realizes the importance to help the new X Generation in having to own property rather than renting. The incentive includes full loan for 1st Home Buyers for person earning less than RM 3000 per month.

Newly married couple should take this opportunity to purchase house separately rather than combine to get full benefit of the incentive. However, I do believe this announcement will make the property market more attractive to buyers (especially generation X) & may lead to higher prices offered.

My advise :

-Take the fullest loan at the fullest length years. Islamic banking if possible.
