Oct 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali..

Bloggers & friends.

Wishing u all happy Deepavali. OR some say festival of lights..
Hope this coming festival will bring u joys & wealth for upcoming future..
Other Perspektif


Oct 18, 2008

Peringatan Majlis Raja-Raja... Ketua agama & negara Malaysia

KUALA TERENGGANU 16 Okt. — Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja ke-215 yang berlangsung di Istana Maziah di sini hari ini mengeluarkan satu kenyataan akhbar khas berhubung beberapa perkara yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin berangkat menghadiri mesyuarat itu dengan diiringi Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Mesyuarat dua hari itu yang berakhir hari ini dipengerusikan Sultan Kedah, Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah. Berikut adalah salinan penuh kenyataan akhbar khas berkenaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja, Engku Tan Sri Ibrahim Engku Ngah hari ini.

“Kenyataan Akhbar Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Mengenai Peranan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan Duli-duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-raja Melayu berhubung dengan hak-hak keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan atau kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, agama Islam, Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan, kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain mengikut Perlembagan Persekutuan.

“Raja-raja Melayu yang menghadiri Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja telah berunding mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar khas bersama pada hari ini.

“Raja-raja Melayu mempunyai peranan perlembagaan untuk melindungi keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, melindungi Agama Islam, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia.

“Tindakan pihak-pihak tertentu mempertikai dan mempersoalkan perkara-perkara tersebut yang menjadi asas utama pembentukan negara Malaysia dan termasuk dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah menimbulkan kegusaran dan keresahan di kalangan rakyat.
Sebagai tindakbalas, beberapa pihak terutama pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu sama ada yang berada dalam kerajaan atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dan orang perseorangan telah menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati dan marah terhadap pihak yang membuat kenyataan dan laporan dan menganjurkan forum-forum berkenaan.

“Antara sebab-sebab yang dikenalpasti berlakunya perkara ini ialah kedangkalan pengetahuan pihak berkenaan terhadap latar belakang sejarah mengapa peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut dimaktubkan dalam Perlembangaan Persekutuan dan pengaruh prinsip-prinsip kesaksamaan dan keadilan yang cuba diimplikasikan di negara ini tanpa berjunjungkan latar belakang sejarah dan keadaan sosial negara ini. Kepentingan politik sempit juga merupakan penyebab berlakunya perkara ini.

“Gejala ini jika tidak ditangani dengan segera boleh menyebabkan negara terjebak dalam kancah perpecahan dan persengketaan antara kaum yang boleh menjejaskan keharmonian dan keamanan yang selama ini telah membawa kemajuan, pembangunan dan kejayaan kepada negara.

“Justeru, adalah perlu Majlis Raja-Raja menegaskan dan memperingatkan semua pihak tentang peruntukan-peruntukan perlembagaan tersebut di samping memberi penekanan tentang jaminan perlindungan hak-hak sah kaum lain. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa setiap peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah melalui proses perbincangan, pertimbangan, konsultansi, pengorbanan dan sifat tolak ansur yang sangat tinggi nilainya bagi apa yang telah diperjuangkan, diperbincangkan, dipertimbangkan, dimanfaatkan serta dipersetujui oleh semua pihak yang terlibat, sehingga wujudnya peruntukan-peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang dikenali sebagai Kontrak Sosial.

Kontrak Sosial ini tidak wajar dipertikai dan dipersoalkan lebih-lebih lagi disemak semula atau diubah kerana ia adalah merupakan asas utama pembentukan negara Malaysia. Untuk itu Raja-raja Melayu wajar memperingatkan supaya isu berkaitan Kontrak Sosial tidak sekali-kali cuba diuji dan dicabar.


“Sesungguhnya, angkatan pemimpin di era prakemerdekaan, berfikiran dalam - berpandangan jauh. Raja-raja Melayu telah dibawa bersama semasa rundingan menuntut kemerdekaan. Institusi raja dikekalkan dan dimaktubkan secara perundangan dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia Merdeka. Institusi raja diberikan kemuliaan, ditempatkan di puncak kerajaan, sebagai Ketua Negara dan Ketua Negeri, laksana payung pelindung, menjamin berlakunya kesaksamaan di kalangan warga. Institusi raja berperanan sebagai faktor penyemak dan pengimbang, untuk merungkai sebarang kekusutan, sekiranya berlaku.

“Raja-raja Melayu juga membuat seruan kepada orang Melayu supaya bersatu-padu untuk mempertahankan keistimewaan, kedudukan, kemuliaan dan kebesaran Raja-raja Melayu, melindungi agama Islam, bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan kepentingan sah kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia seperti yang termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Penekanan juga perlu dibuat bahawa agenda ini adalah lebih penting dan utama dari kepentingan politik atau kelompok.

“Kaum bukan Melayu tidak perlu merasa khuatir dan bimbang tentang hak-hak sah mereka kerana hak-hak tersebut telah dijamin mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan peruntukan-peruntukan yang terkandung dalam Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri-negeri di Malaysia yang termaktub dalam Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

“Adalah diharapkan dengan penegasan tersebut, segala kekeliruan berhubung dengan perkara ini di kalangan rakyat jelata dapat dibendung dan suatu suasana yang harmoni, aman dan sikap saling hormat menghormati di kalangan rakyat dapat terus diwujudkan demi menjaga ketenteraman negara.”

Comment Other Perspektif :-
Alhamdulillah. Akhirnya Majlis raja2 telah bersuara & memberikan mesej yg jelas kepada pihak2 yg cuba utk sekali2 mempertikai & merosakkan teras negara. Moga pihak Istana & kerajaan mengenakan tindakan yg lebih berat kepada pengkhianat negara & mereka2 yg cuba merosakkan keharmonian 51 tahun merdeka..


Oct 16, 2008

What Singaporean Says .. Part 2

Well, still some more comment on Singapore. There's stuff that i want to highlight here just to share with other blogger. Especially comments by normal citizen's of Singapore. How they think about the their country, our country, our current politic situation & other stuff.

Its normal for me to have a chit-chat with Taxi Drivers during my stays overseas. Especially friendly ones. Just to make it simple let me highlighted some of the chat or opinion point normally occurs.

Malaysian Politics:-
-"So how's Anwar doing". "When will Anwar take over the government".
-"Opposition quite strong in Malaysia". "How can Malaysia allow racial statement been taken lightly, in Singapore u'll be in ISA if such comment took place."
From "Other perspective" its shows that most of the Singaporeans knows about recent politic development in Malaysia. Majority of them quite supportive to current situation of Malaysia but most of them says that the current check & balance between the government & opposition will benefit the people. However, most of them view politic development as unhealthy & some also view Malaysia Risk level increased.

Singapore Politics :-
- "Its such a loss to Opposition from the loss of JB Jeyaretnam."
- "Yes the government give u money before elections with all the good stuff etc2. However, after the election they take back from you double or triple on what u get in the 1st place".
- "The opposition actually have 40% vote by the people. However, due to the constituency or boundary of the electrol system been control by PAP they manage to get only 2 -3 seat in the Parliament".
- "Quite a lot of China citizen flocking to Singapore. Government policy of openness will hinders the working opportunity for local citizens."
- "JB Jeyaretnam was a fighter for the poor people of Singapore. He's been declared bankrupt 3 times even so he gets back on his feet to fight back. Hopefully more parliamentary will be won next election."
Other Perspective observation shows majority of the Singaporean view quite unhappy with current economics, political & freedom in Singapore. Most of them expressed view hoping a check & balance government & more policy to protect Singaporeans. More & more concern on economic wise.

Oct 15, 2008

Singapore Taxi's...

Back & forth again. Been to the neighbouring country for work purposes. Well, there's several feeling when i across the border but this time through a taxi cab from Johor. I don't know why but everytime when i reach Singapore borders my feelings are different. Maybe due to the fact that during those Sept 11 i encountered a not very good Singapore entry experience. Uncertainty, not relaxed & insecure that's how i feel.

As usual my normal means of transportation were Taxi's. There's city cab, yellow cab & other small ones which i can't remember the names. Quite a lot though. Its really a lot. One of the drivers claimed that it reached 20,000-30,000 cabs throughout Singapore. A lot huh'. Well, how to they make profit by having such a numbers of cabs. The answer is they don't. They've been through hard times trying to make decent money. Why ? Let me list out some of the problems they're facing.

- Stiff competition between cab companies. (numbers too great)
- Tolls are everywhere. ERP, MTP etc (I'm not what the correct names is). These will hinders local users to used cabs due to the charges will be bourned by the riders. Imagine to use a short stretch of a road 1km in the town will cost u $1-$1.50 dollar dependent on entry time.
- Taxi driver do not own the car. They rent the car. The rent are estimated between $180-$250 Spore Dollar per day. It means the car must be on the road & earns more than that to gain something. Not to include fuel etc2.
- Most of the taxi driver works on shifts. Which is 12hours per shift. So it means that the taxi nearly works 24 7. That's the reason why taxi's will be scrap after 5 years.
- Other means of transportation is cheaper & faster. Locals tend to used other means of transportation due to this. So there's only left foreigners, high income people & tourist like myself using this mode of transportation.

In comparison, i will compare service of Singapore Taxi's Vs Malaysian Taxi's. These are the things which Malaysian taxi's may want to copy & used it in Malaysia. Or what i must say improvement.

- Prompt billing & meter used no matter what. Receipt is printed not sign by hard copy.
- Friendly ambient & helpful. One taxi driver come to the extend showing me the HDB apartment of my friends i visit.
- Will asked the passengers permission to used tolled route or whatever route. (This will be charged to passengers accordingly)
- Automatic surcharge will be imposed to passengers during peak hours or at night. But the surcharge will be known to passengers on the meter once u get in. Its not something they asked. Its a procedure or guideline they must follow.

I really hope that one day our taxi standards will be at par to Singapore taxi's. Why? Taxi's is actually as our tourist guide. Impression to them reflects impression to the country's image.

Oct 9, 2008

Hindraf & Hari Raya

1st I would like to apologize to Indian friends & blogger that support hindraf. The act of some hindraf supporters recently really shock me. And also make me have double though on the "Pertubuhan Haram Hindraf". Yes, as in the Akta Pertubuhan Hindraf is still a non-registered Organisation.

For me this pertubuhan is same like Al-Maunah, Al-Arqam & other related pertubuhan that the government banned. Though actually the government is quite lineant on this movement. If its the era of Tuns M i bet they will get caught even before the protest begins.

Anyway not to divert what i want to say today. I've quite disappointed on that day (1st Syawal) which supposed to be the celebration day for Muslims was been tainted with the incident. Never in 51 years of our independent such incident had happened.

& Yes of course Muslims are anger. No need to blame Utusan or media. The question is such event taken place in the holy day for Muslims. For majority of Muslims, we cannot tolerate this for whatever reason is.

Hopefully this kind of event will be the last. comments