May 31, 2013


Cek ucapkan tahniah kepada PAS Selangor kerana kali ini berada dlm senarai EXCO Kerajaan Negeri Selangor setelah sebelum ini dipinggirkan. 

Maka dgn itu kecohlah satu Malaya PAS mendabik dada yg mereka menjadi juara! Jelir lidah pada UMNO yg sblm ni dok ramalkan yg PAS bakal disisihkan.

Tapiiiii.. Oppsss.. Cer tunggu kejap.
PAS dpt jawatan apa yer?
1- Perumahan? - Jenuhla nk settle kes rumah mampu milik.
2- Hal Ehwal Islam, Pemodenan Pertanian & Pembangunan Desa - Exco yg pakai duit & harapan agar dptla duit dr Kerajaan Negeri
3- Pendidikan? - Unisel!? 
4- Belia & Sukan, infra & kemudahan awam - Pas sukan? Hehe

Sebaliknya EXCO yg byk fulus $$& dipegang oleh PKR & DAP. Hahahaha. Mmg masih betullah PAS diperkudakan.. 
Kah kah kah..

Mari kita tgk apa yg DAP dapat :-

PKR pulok:
1- MB - KEWANGAN -  $$$$$ 

Nak kata apa!! Betui tak apa cek
Kata.. KASIHAN sungguh dgn PAS.


May 29, 2013

Undi Popular Anwar Yang Makin tak Popular di Permatang Pauh!!

Depa kata bukan tsunami cina tapi tsunami org Rakyat. Taknk ckp byk mari kita tgk fakta.

Anwar undi majoriti makin turun. Adakah beliau popular? Najib pulak makin majoriti kepada beliau. Jadi pada Anwar hang sebenarnya tak layak jadi ketua memandangkan kawasan sendiri pun undi makin turun.. DSN pulak undi makin naik! 

Jadi sapa sebenarnya yg popular? Cer sapa2 bagitau!! 


May 28, 2013

Air Asia Mesti Bertaubat! Or face Boikot!

Perlukan kita boikot Air Asia? Kalau ikut dr segi profesionalisme memang tak wajar boikot depa. Tapi bila Air Asia sendiri yg sendiri tidak profesional maka apa lagi nk kata?

Azran Ketua Eksekutif AIR ASIA kutuk rapat Utusan sedangkn dia sendiri pun mungkin tak baca pun Akhbar Melayu tu. Dek sebab mulut badan binasa. Dahla tak profesional pastu hentam org. Hg tak tau ka yg hang tu figure Air Asia.. 
Pastu mai pulak isu Rakyat Marhaen dgn isu tak boleh pulang di Vietnam! Pengerusi Air Asia pulak ckp macam
Melepaskn batuk ditangga. Pasti isu Jenazah dr Indonesiantaknk bawak.. Jemaah umrah kena delay@ balik awai!! Byk lagi la onar AA. Byk dah kerajaan bagi muka pada depa ni. Hutang airport berhas tak bayaq @ lambat bayaq pastu KLIA 2 fitnah mcm2.

Ya right! You said its a corporate game nothing personal. But when your ppl like Kalimullah & Azran make a personal attack.. So? Its no more business its personal attack. Siap ugut tak nk letak iklan dlm Utusan. You mungkin dah lupa.. Yg Utusan suara org Melayu.. You nk jadi mcm Mc D kaa? 
Takpala.. People's power. Admit that your rate sometimes the best! But your PR sometimes the worst! You always late.. You always delay.. No sorry?! no refund! at least give us some food when we need to wait!! Your food sometimes out of stock! You charge everything you want.. You never refund airport tax if we cancell the flight! Bag also need to pay? Seat selection also need to pay kah? Not to mention food? Insurance also need pay meh!! 
But your stewardess sooo sexy? Whylah?? Buatkn makcik Mengucap pnjng & pakcik ternganga luas..  Patut AA jgn panjangkn polisi gitu & bg peluang pada pekerja utk menutup aurat.. Bagi freedom pada pekerja sekurang-kurangnya bg nampak ciri Asianya!
Really look forward great deals from MAS , FIREFLY, MALINDO AIr & other similar airlines. Tapi to MAS!! Bagila offer baik2 sikit.. Kadang2 mahai sgt.. 

Ride Air Asia Last!! 


May 27, 2013

MP DAP Racist mintak maaf! Ong Kian Ming

Ahli Parlimen Dap racist meminta maaf atas menuduh seorg warganegara yg sah sebagai 'bangla' & pengundi hantu. Kenapa kita kata racist? Disebabkan mamat tu muka lain sikit dikatakan bangla.. Itulah yg dinamakan racist!! Prejudis & berbagai lagi sifat yg tersemat dlm sanubari mereka..

Permohonan maaf telah dibuat.. Tapi telah terlambat sebab mamat tu dah dimalukan seantario dunia.. & akan kekal dlm ingatan sejarah.. 

Kepada Ali Maidin! Silalah ambil tindakan mahkamah & tuntut bela sebab dimalukan & dinafikan hak mengundi!!


Malaysia Model Contoh! Pakatan kata pulak Sebaliknya!

Orang luaq dok sibuk ambikkan Kita sebagai role model! Tapi ada pulak org kita yg dok promote sebaliknya. Asyik dok kutuk negara sendiri, dok perlekeh negara sendiri & bermacam lagi cara-cara yg memalukan.

Biasala depa ni.. Mana nk puas selagi depa tak pegang negara..

May 26, 2013


Kecoh satu malaya sebab gerakan Kempen Boikot Barangan Cina Dap bermula.. Pada awalnya kempen dipandang sinis oleh Cina DAP. Tapi rasanya sekarang depa dah 'feel the heat'. Salahkah boikot tu sedangkan kempen boikot barangan bumiputera yg di 'link'kn kepada UMNO telah lama digerakkan oleh Cina DAP.  Antara yg menjadi mangsa adalah MAS, SYED BUKHARI (roti gardenia, gula csr & lain2), PETRONAS & FELDA dll. Jangan kita nafikan benda ni takdak! Dan jangan depa nafikan yg benda ni takdak. Benda bukan selindung lagi cuma masyarakat melayu tak bising & tak terasa dlm hati. Masih ingat lagi yg ada kawan2 bukan melayu sendiri share benda tu.. Bukan pay back time. Tapi untuk mengajar mereka yg bongkak & sombong drpd Cina DAP.

Depa bermadah kata hak mereka utk sokong Cina Dap & kawan2 DAP. Kita juga boleh kata ini hak kita sebagai pengguna untuk beli barang ikut yg kami mau! Apa hang kisah!! Waktu CINA DAP dibawah RED BEAN ARMY gerakkan benda ni takdk pulak hangpa bising.. Skrg bila org islam/melayu bersatu kempen boikot barangan Cina DAP semua menggelupur..!! 

Habis keluar dlm Paper dll.. Cakap racist la apala.. Hang pi tukaq dulu perjuangan DAP utk hapuskan hak melayu & bumiputera.. Baru boleh mai sembang balik..

Pada rakan2, rakyat Malaysia & org2 melayu khasnya meh kita jayakan kempen boikot barangan cina DAP sama mcm kempen trhadap MCDONALD..  

Tak pun kita beli Barangan atas noat tolong SESAMA ISLAM. Kan ke saudara ISLAM Itu bersaudara.. 

Kepada yg nak tahu list barang utk
Diboikot rujuklah.. PPIM @ Facebook Boikot Barangan Cina DAP . Keahlian pun dah cecah 13,000.. Jom lagi ramai ahli2 & sahut consumer POWER!! 

May 24, 2013

Pengundi Hantu Bangsat Mintak Maaf! Kasi Saman & ambik tindakan!

Telah kukatakan yg benda ni fitnah belaka. Pada yg tukang sebar fitnah pulak cek nak katakan tahniah! Anda hebat sebab sama2 sebar antara dosa paling besaq. Setelah bbrp minggu berlalu, perangai bangsat menyerlah! Tanpa segan silu mintak maaf. Mintak agar dilupakan fitnah paling keji sepanjang PRU-13. 
Cek bagi cadangan. Ambil tindakan saman terhadap mereka agar tidak menjadi ikutan & trend di kemudian hari. Cukupla Namawee cukuplah bendera upside down. Cukup2 la perangai cauvanist Cina Dap. 
Senang-senang ja cakap sorry! Tiada maaf bagimu!! Kalau dah perangai bangsat tu selamanya bangsat!! 

Pada KDN baru! Ambik tindakan.. Seditious act!! OPS LALANG Kembali

May 22, 2013



1. 15 Mei 2013,  kakitangan bank,  Izan Suhaila Mohd Ali, 36 tahun,  membawa anaknya Maryam  Sofea Mohd  Riza ke LCCT bersama 10 saudara mara dan ibu.  Beberapa hari  sebelum  itu   Maryam  mengalami chicken pox.  Bagaimanapun  ground staff Air Asia di LCCT  membenarkan  Maryam  dan semua  ahli keluarga diterbangkan ke Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

Tindakan itu tidak menghairankan kerana doktor tempatan dua kali mengesahkan Maryam sihat.  Hanya tompokan  hitam masih  kelihatan di seluruh  tubuhnya dan dia  tidak demam.

2. 18 Mei 2013,   kira-kira 20 minit   sebelum pesawat  dijadualkan  berlepas ke Kuala Lumpur, Maryam dilarang  oleh  ground staff Air Asia di lapangan terbang di Ho Chi Minh  menaiki pesawat  syarikat  tambang murah itu,   penerbangan  AK 1455  pada jam 9 malam, waktu Vietnam. 

Tompokan kesan chicken pox  dilihat oleh ground satff  berbangsa Vietnam lalu mereka bertindak mengikut  peraturan seperti dicatatkan dalam terma dan syarat penerbangan Air Asia.

Mereka diarahkan  oleh  lelaki di bawah untuk  tinggal di Ho Chi Minh  selama 5  hari sebelum dibenarkan  pulang ke Malaysia.

3.  Medical doctor berbangsa Melayu, berkebetulan penumpang penerbangan sama, memperkenalkan diri  dan memaklumkan ground staff Air Asia, melalui pengamatan beliau,  Maryam  selamat untuk  diterbangkan.  Namun,  kenyataan doktor itu  tidak diambil kira. Doktor terbabit TIDAK bertugas di lapangan terbang,  beliau berstatus  pelancong di negara asing itu, cuma cuba ingin membantu menyelesaikan  masalah timbul.

Melalui pengamatan saya dan keluarga Izan,  TIADA  doktor   Vietnam  membuat  pemeriksaan terhadap  Maryam  di sekitar pintu 18   lapangan terbang. Hanya jururawat  ditugaskan  mengambil bacaan suhu badan Maryam.  Ditanya oleh ahli keluarga Maryam mengenai bacaan  suhu badan bayi berusia 14 bulan terbabit,  jururawat  warga asing  itu hanya membisu.

Jika benar status kesihatan Maryam  membahayakan penumpang lain,  bagaimanakah  bayi  itu   DIBENARKAN  oleh ground satff  Air Asia di LCCT  untuk menaiki pesawat ke Vietnam  pada 15  Mei tetapi  kemudian  dinafikan penerbangan 4 hari kemudian oleh ground staff di Ho Chi Minh?

4.  Hampir  jam 9.30 malam,  Izan dan  Maryam  ditemankan oleh  dua saudara lelaki mereka, Faisal  Mohd Fozzeli dan  Mohd Hasif Mokhtar (berbaju merah)  dibawa keluar oleh ground staff bertugas dari lapangan terbang dan  HANYA  dihantar ke  terminal  teksi.

Tatkala  itu  mereka  tidak mempunyai  bilik hotel  dan juga kenderaan untuk bergerak  di negara asing terbabit.  Malah sebahagian wang mereka  bawa,  disumbangkan oleh penumpang pelbagai  bangsa  penerbangan  AK 1455.

Bukan  sahaja  Izan dan ahli  keluarga menitiskan airmata, malah majoriti penumpang bakal berlepas meninggalkan mereka berasa hiba dengan situasi  didepani oleh anak beranak  itu.

5.  Ground satff di Vietnam MENDAKWA,  kapten  kapal terbang Air Asia AK 1455  tidak membenarkan  Maryam  menaiki pesawat. Pada kira-kira jam 9.50 malam, beberapa minit setelah menaiki pesawat,  saya dimaklumkan  oleh pramugari bertugas, kapten Ariffin Bakar tidak mengetahui  perincian kes  terbabit.

Pihak manakah tidak berkata benar? 

6. Setelah tiba di LCCT, saya dimaklumkan oleh Norhamiza, adiknya Izan, anak dan dua saudara mereka terpaksa mencari teksi dan hotel sendiri. Izan dilaporkan terpaksa membeli  susu  Maryam dan juga pakaian mereka. 

Akhirnya dengan bantuan ejen pelancongan di Ho Chi Minh, mereka menyewa May Flower Hotel dengan  kadar bayaran  USD60 semalam dengan menggunakan wang sumbangan penumpang  penerbangan AK 1455.

7.   Tiada kakitangan  Air Asia menghubungi Izan  mahupun ahli keluarganya.

8. Pada 19 Mei, kakak Izan, Norhamiza tiba di Kuala Lumpur kemudian bertindak menghubungi  adiknya, pegawai senior  Tourism Malaysia di New York,  Amerika Syarikat, Ahmad Johanis.  Johanis kemudian medapatkan bantuan kakitangan Tourism Malaysia Vietnam,  MAS dan pihak Kedutaan Malaysia di negara terbabit.

Berikutan  bantuan dihulurkan,  Maryam  kemudian  dihantar ke  hospital untuk diperiksa  dan disahkan  sihat oleh  doktor di Victoria  Healthcare Vietnam.

9. Izan, Maryam dan saudara lelaki mereka selamat tiba di KLIA pada jam 7.45 malam   semalam  menggunakan  pesawat  MAS.

10. Berikutan kes ini,  Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan Air Asia, Tan Sri  Tony  Fernandes telah  mengeluarkan  kenyataan di laman Twitter beliau.

Ertinya,  membiarkan Izan, Maryam dan dua saudara lelaki mereka terkontang-kanting  mencari hotel dan kenderaan  pada kira-kira jam 10 malam  di negara asing,   tanpa bantuan ground staff  di lapangan terbang Ho Chi Minh  itu mengikut  buku,  'follow the book'.  

Maryam dikendung oleh ibunya, hanya  berusia setahun 2 bulan.  Tanpa susu dan pakaian, mereka terkial-kial  cuba mendapatkan bekalan. 

Kejadian  itu juga  berlaku  kerana  Air Asia mengikut buku. 

Selain daripada  menjalankan  perniagaan  bertujuan  meraih keuntungan, pihak pengurusan Air Asia harus memikirkan faktor  kemanusiaan  dan melaksanakan TANGGUNGJAWAB SOSIAL. Rakyat  Malaysia  lazimnya   berbudi bicara   sewaktu  melaksanakan  sesuatu tindakan.

Tweet   terbabit kemudian  didapati  telah DIPADAMKAN  dan berikut kenyataan Tony  seterusnya.

11. Pada  hemat saya,  Tony  tidak  sepatutnya  tergesa-gesa  mengeluarkan kenyataan di laman sosial.  Beliau  atau  kakitangannya  harus terlebih dahulu  mengambil  inisiatif  cuba menghubungi  Izan  atau   ahli  keluarganya  untuk menyiasat dan mendapatkan  penjelasan terperinci  kedua pihak   berhubung  kejadian berlaku.

12.  Saya dimaklumkan,  Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif  Air Asia,  Aireen  Omar mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi mengenai insiden berlaku  di Vietnam.  Dalam kenyataan itu,  doktor dikatakan  memeriksa  Maryam d an  bayi  kelainan upaya itu  disahkan  tidak layak, unfit  untuk diterbangkan.
Kamera digital  sentiasa berada di tangan saya sewaktu  berada di lokasi sama.  Satu-satunya individu  hadir di lokasi,  dilihat  sebagai  kakitangan perubatan,  wanita di bawah ini.

Jika  dia doktor,  amat  menghairankan  kerana pegawai  perubatan bertugas di lapangan terbang  antarabangsa itu  tidak  langsung  mampu  berbahasa  Inggeris. 

Mungkin doktor di Vietnam  juga  berpakaian  seperti  jururawat  dan  hanya mampu  berkomunikasi  menggunakan  bahasa tempatan  sahaja.  Justeru  tidak hairan  'doktor' terbabit  enggan  menjawab soalan dikemukakan  oleh ahli  keluarga Izan.

Saya  sendiri  menyaksikan  dengan  mata kepala,   wanita itu  cuba  meletakkan jangkasuhu di celah  ketiak  kanan Maryam  sedang dipangku oleh ibunya. Akibat pergerakan Maryam kerana  kurang  berasa selesa,  jangkasuhu  itu  terjatuh dan disambut oleh wanita itu.  Dia kemudian  melakukannnya untuk kali kedua  sebelum  beredar.

Tidakkah  secara profesional,  'doktor' itu  wajar  menjelaskan  status  kesihatan  Maryam kepada  ibunya sebelum  menghilangkan diri? 

Molek  jika  Aireen  atau kakitangan  pengurusan Air Asia  mengambil  SEDIKIT  waktu menghubungi  Izan untuk mengesahkan  kenyataan saya.  Bijak juga,  jika  beliau mendapatkan rakaman  televisyen litar tertutup  di pintu 18 di antara  jam 8.30 dan 9.30 malam waktu Vietnam  untuk membuktikan  samada  ground staff  Air Asia di Ho Chi Minh  menyalurkan maklumat tepat atau sebaliknya. 

13. Kali terakhir saya  bercakap dengan  Norhamiza pada jam 6.30 petang semalam. Tiada   kenyataan  dikeluarkan  oleh  wanita itu  mengatakan  wakil  pihak pengurusan  Air Asia menghubungi keluarganya.

14. Kes  ini  turut mendapat  liputan akhbar Utusan Malaysia, klik di sini  dan Agenda Daily, klik di sini.

Berita   juga dipaparkan oleh New Straits Times, klik di sini.

15. Berikut entri terdahulu saya nukilkan.

1. Ibu dan bayi  sengsara di Vietnam :  Air  Asia usah  lepas  tangan  Klik di sini.
2. MAS membantu  membawa  pulang  penunmpang Air Asia  didakwa bermasalah Klik di sini.
3. Terkini : Kisah Izan dan  Maryam Klik di sini.
4. Adakah  doktor di Vietnam  berpekaian  seperti jururawat? Klik di sini.

16. Terima  kasih kepada semua pembaca  sudi  memberikan sokongan moral untuk bersama kita mendedahkan kebenaran.

17. To Tan  Sri Tony Fernandes, instant  denial  wouldn't  stop  Malaysians to talk about this particular  incident.   Please  have  the courtesy  to  investigate  this case  thoroughly for the betterment  of Air Asia  operations in  the  future.

It  is  not  a  sin  for Air Asia  to  contact  Izan  and  the  rest  to  offer your apologies. 

The  act of  damage  control  needs to  be  executed. comments

May 21, 2013

Syed Akbar Ali's slap on the Malaysian Chinese forehead kick ass article! ALL RATIONAL MALAYSIANS MUST READ!!!

Answering CH Hwe's "What The Chinese People Want?"

by Syed Akbar Ali - OUTSYED THE BOX
I received a call last nite from an ultra Melayu friend who lambasted me for running CH Hwe's opinion. He said he was going to boycott my Blog. I also received almost 100 comments and still receiving. Here is my quick reply to CH Hwe.

First of all no one likes corruption. There is no doubt about that. And I think there is one simple solution which I hope CH Hwe and his friends can help in making come true. It will not cost you a single sen. It is guaranteed to wipe out huge swathes of corruption in our country. Plus it will save you tons of money. It will lower the cost of living, make things cheaper and thereby lower inflation. 

Yes Mr CH Hwe this is the magic bullet to solve corruption in this country. And you can play a large part in it. Do read on.

Secondly at this juncture the Chinese people must be very careful what exactly do they want from the system that we have in this country. This system is a Malay-Muslim dominated system. The demographics show that as a percentage of the entire population the Chinese population is shrinking - to just over 25% of the population now and it will go lower to 20% and perhaps 15% all within the next 15 years. The Indian population is now at 8% and also shrinking as a percentage.

However in absolute numbers both the numbers of Chinese and Indians are increasing. There are more than 8.0 million Chinese now and there are more than 2.5 million Indians in the country. It is the number of Malays, bumiputras, Muslims that is increasing a lot faster - now almost 19 million of them. 

So if you dont like the present demographics, the demographics are only going "to get worse" for you. You must come to terms and learn to deal with this. 

I am not puitting this negatively - we must adapt to our environment. Assimilation and integration are different words with different meanings but these are the words that you must consider.  The Chinese in Indonesia have done it (and they are still Chinese), the Chinese in Thailand and the Phillipines have also done it.   

Thus far for the Chinese and most of everyone else this country has been a wonderful place to live in, to do business in and to raise a family.  My christian church friends say that Malaysia is 'the land of milk and honey".  And this did not happen by itself. It is good leadership and careful management of the needs and wants of the many races in the country for the past 58 years that have made this the land of milk and honey. 

If you are not convinced about this please look at our neighbours like Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia, Myanmar and even Singapore. Except for Singaporee all the other countries became independent before us. Singapore is now the wealthiest nation (per capita GDP) on earth. But do you want to live there? Do you want to live in Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia or Myanmar? 

For the Nanyang Chinese diaspora in the Siang Pau, Malaysia has been better than Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia and even Singapore. This is the land of milk and honey. 

Yes there is corruption in this country - especially among the politicians.  But what I am really perplexed is if you are against corruption then why did you vote for the corrupt? 

You see it was Karpal Singh who said in Parliament (it is now recorded for history) that Anwar Ibrahim was suspected of being a homosexual.  Then it was Mat Sabu who publicly accused Anwar Ibrahim of the same thing. The issue here is not the morality of homosexuality - as some of my own commenters have been pointing out to me. That is not the issue.

The issue is 

1. it was Karpal Singh who accused Anwar of homosexuality in Parliament. Why did he do that? 
2. it was Mat Sabu who acused Anwar of homosexuality in public. Again why did he do that?

Bu after Anwar was kicked out, how come both of them (DAP and PAS) forget their own accusations against Anwar and hoisted him up as their leader?  This is what is quite perplexing. And as an anti-corruption crusader like yourself, can you please explain this strange behaviour as well?

Now for all you liberal, pro LGBT friends or fiends out there, please understand simple English - this is not a debate on the morality of homosexuality or cheating on your wife (though I am sure all that is debateable. But I am not debating or questioning the morality of Anwar Ibrahim's sexual preferences here.  (Neither am I forfeiting the right to debate homosexuality or adultery). 

It is just a very simple case of 'dulu awak tuduh Anwar korup, rasuah, peliwat, penzina, al juburi dsbnya'. It was YOU, YOU and YOU who accused him. Not me, not I, mot myself and not we. It was YOU, YOU and YOU.  Karpal Singh and Mat Sabu are on public record.

So how do you justify voting for the same Anwar Ibrahim? This is what beguiles me. 

And dont forget Anwar Ibrahim was found guilty and jailed for six years for the CORRUPT abuse of power of ordering the Police to arrest and torture one Ummi Hafilda Ali, a young Malay woman, who had written a letter that went public, accusing him of the same sexual misbehaviours.  

Now, is that the behaviour of an innocent, law abiding citizen and Deputy Prime Minister of a country? To order the Police to arrest and torture an innocent young woman and force her to retract her accusations against him?

What would have been the correct way to handle such a situation?  Shouldnt Anwar have sued Ummi Hafilda for RM100.0 million in Court to clear his name? 

Are you wondering why I say this? Because that is what Anwar has been doing now - suing people for RM100.0 Million to shut them up against making any  accusations against him. So why did he abuse his power as Deputy Prime Minister and ask the Police to arrest and torture Ummi Hafilda Ali  in 1997? 

So this is what is perplexing. If the Chinese community is so against corruption, then why do you vote for such a person like Anwar Ibrahim? 

Lets talk more about corruption and being transparent. Doesnt it bother the Chinese community who voted for the PR to ask Anwar Ibrahim to declare his assets?

You must know that he is not a poor man. Anwar Ibrahim is much more wealthier than most of you Chinese who have worked hard to earn your money. Yet Anwar Ibrahim does not work at all. He has no job or business. So where does he get his wealth? 

This is why I say the Chinese community (who voted for the PR) must be careful about what they say now. You must be very, very careful about what you say.

Do you seriously expect people to take you seriously when you still support Anwar Ibrahim because 'you do not support corruption'? You must really be joking.

If you say the entire UMNO is corrupted, then how do you explain the fact that your hero Anwar Ibrahim was kicked out of UMNO and then found guilty in Court for corrupt abuse of power ? ? 

You say UMNO is a rubbish bin (tong sampah). OK fine - this is a free country. You can say what you want about UMNO. But how come even when the 'tong sampah' kicked out Anwar Ibrahim you go and carry him on your head and vote for him?  You can support a 'tong sampah' reject? You must be really very sick. Very, very sick. 

You are being hypocritical. (Please read till the end - I have a suggestion how the Chinese community can help eradicate corruption completely).

Lets talk more about Anwar Ibrahim. How much money do you think he has in the banks all over the world? 

RM1.0 million? RM10.0 million? RM100.0 million? RM1.0 Billion? Ok lets switch currency. How about in Sing Dollars? How much money do you think he has in Sing Dollars?

S$1.0 million? S$10.0 million? S$100.0 million? S$1.0 Billion? Ok lets switch currency. How about in US Dollars? How much money do you think he has in US$?

US$1.0 million? US$10.0 million? US$100.0 million? US$1.0 Billion? How much money do you think he has? 

You must answer this question because:

i. he is very wealthy - more wealthy than most of you hard working Chinese
ii. he does not have a business or a 9-5 job
iii. you say you are 'anti corruption'.

The same goes for Azmin Ali, Khalid Ibrahim, Zaid Ibrahim, Mat Taib, Kadir Sheikh Fazir, Chua Jui Meng and the other 'clean as a white sheet" former BN politicians who have jumped to the PR - just like Anwar Ibrahim.  All these people are very, very rich and wealthy people.

When they were in the BN you accused all of them of being corrupt. Now when they jump ship to PR do you seriously expect people to believe that they have suddenly become "clean as a white sheet" angels? 

And lets not forget the PAS or the DAP.  They are more corrupt than the BN. Fortunately they operate in a small area (Penang, Selangor, Kelantan). In the short time they ruled Perak, the two cousin guys have been implicated in many shady deals. Within 45 days of taking power they were already awarding tailoring contracts to wives and dearly beloved. They also landed 10,000 acres of land in Kelantan for themsleves.

And YB Massage Parlour became such an embarrasment for the DAP that they dropped him completely for the 2013 elections. I think his political career is finished. But so what? Sudah kaya mah. He is really reallr rich. Sudah makan cukup-cukup. And there are many rumours about the lady YB as well - she was dropped from the State line up for the same reason - sapu duit. 

Now if the UMNO or BN boys do the same - what would you call it? I cant hear you. Can you speak up a little louder. Did you say corruption? 

You also have the Talam scandal in Selangor. That is easily a billion Ringgit there. All cleverly hidden behind layers and layers of documents, contracts and different companies that will never be traceable. 

Again if the UMNO or BN boys do the same - what would you call it? I cant hear you. Can you speak up a little louder. Did you say corruption? 

Then Zaid Ibrahim and that Gobala fellow left the PKR because of rigging, fraud and cheating in the PKR party elections. I did not say this. This is what Zaid Ibrahim and Gobala said. Zaid set up his own party Kita. So the PKR cheated in their own party elections.

Again if the UMNO or BN boys do the same - what would you call it? I cant hear you. Can you speak up a little louder. Did you say corruption? 

The DAP also cheated in their party elections. Again I did not say this. DAP members themselves said this. They even filed reports with the ROS and there is an investigation still going on. 

And here is the really big killer that has come out of the ROS' preliminary investigations - 750 DAP members who had voting rights were NOT invited to attend the party's elections.  This is a question that is bigger, 10 times bigger than the fact that the votes were changed to allow Zairil Khir Johari Thomas Clarence Nuts And Peas a seat on the DAP's CEC. Why were 750 members NOT invited to attend the DAP party elections? 

So here it is one more time - if the UMNO or BN boys do the same - what would you call it? I cant hear you. Can you speak up a little louder. Did you say corruption? 
So it is obvious that corruption IS NOT THE TOP OF YOUR WORRIES OR CONCERNS. 


This is why I say - the Chinese who voted for the Pakatan must be very careful what they say now.  What is it that you really want? Be specific. Put it on the table. Be honest. Then we can talk about it honestly. All this talking in circles does not help you or help anyone. 

Finally here is my suggestion to the Chinese community about how to eradicate corruption in this country. I address this to everyone, not just the Chinese, but because the Chinese who voted for the Pakatan point out that this is a major sore point with them, then here is a simple suggestion.

Get all the Chinese associations, the Chinese guilds, the Chinese clans, the Dong Zhong, the Chinese Chambers of Commerce, the Chinese temples and Meditation Societies to gather at the Thean Hou Temple in Seputeh, the Kek Lok Si Temple, the Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur or anywhere else that is appropriate and make a sacred vow that beginning from today NO CHINESE shall offer a single bribe to any Government official.

This is a simple, easy peasy, cost free, most effective, assured of 100% success solution. This suggestion of mine guarantees 100% success.

Just make a sacred vow, in your mother'a name, your father's name, in the name of your ancestors etc - that you will NEVER pay even one sen in corruption to any Policeman or to any Government servant.   Even if they torture you, even if they tie your hands and roast you over the fire you will NEVER belanja minum, belanja karaoke, belanja shopping for any Policeman or Government servant.

And live up to your vow. It will certainly kill corruption in the country. And here is the best part - at zero cost. You will wipe out corruption without having to spend a single sen.

Now you may ask why target the Chinese. I say friend, please grow up ok. The Government is almost 100% Malay. The huge majority of businessmen who pay the corrupt Civil Servants are still Chinese. You know it, I know it even the neighbour's cat knows it.

So make a vow that you will NEVER pay a single sen in corruption money to any Civil Servant.

Now, please note that I am not being cruel. If I want to be cruel, then I will ask you to extend your vow to cover private sector corruption as well. That is about 10 times bigger than corruption in the Civil Service.  Maybe a 100 times bigger. But we will leave that for another day.
A great Article to Read for aLL Malaysian!

May 20, 2013

Applause MCA & GERAKAN not to take any POST in Government!

I agree on the fact that MCA should not take any position in any post in BN Lead Government Cabinet or local council due to its poor performance. Why? If you serve the people but no one appreciate what you did. Then there is no point on serving the people. This also applicable to Gerakan or any BN Component Party which represent Chinese Community.

There's been saying that the Chinese or Malaysian vote representative based on values not based on race. What values? Do you think that the lost of Ali Rustam to a novice to PKR Che gu Bard guy means that his values is better than Ali Rustam. Dato Seri Ali Rustam is the man that brings Melaka to its highest peak at the moment. The voting trends was quiet worrying. Since the election or votes was not based on merits or so call values. But it was based solely on the Party. Which is DAP & PR. Racist based on party!

Why Chinese is worried about MCA not having a representative in Government. Chinese always have DAP to turn to? I thought that DAP has the credential & 'values' to help Chinese community & other races. DAP is a multiracial Party what? So why make a huge cry about it?

I don't agree on the assumption or saying that voters in Urban choose to vote PR. Because, there're some cased where Urban area won by BN.  

MCA & Gerakan need to face the fact that 80-90% of Chinese not voting for them anymore. So why bother serve the community which dont want you as representative. Even MCA & Gerakan member also not voting for them?

It's like in Malay saying, "Hidung tak Mancung, pipi terserong-serong". Rest-lah & gather your strength. Maybe you need extreme approach like DAP. No more mister Nice GUy!


May 17, 2013

Gempar!! Sultan Perkenan Jawatan Untuk Anwar

Gempar pagi tadi bila cek dpt tau yg Anwar diperkenan oleh Agong untuk menganggotai Kabinet. Ini adalah hasil desakan Barak Obama setelah menerima kunjungan Anwar dengan bukti penipuan pilihanraya PRU-13. Antara bukti yg dikemukakan antaranya :- blackout satu malaya, 400,000 pengundi hantu, 40,000 pengundi bangla, dakwat calit yg luntur sehinggakan semua rakyat mengundi 2 kali, & lain-lain. Beliau perlu memilih salah satu dari berikut :-

1- Menteri Jalan Raya
2- Menteri Ketenteraman Awam & sosial
3- Menteri Luar Tabii
4- Menteri Demonstrasi
5- Menteri Jalan Belakang
6- Menteri 16 September
7- Menteri Hal Ehwal Dap (Wakil Masyarakat Dap)
8- Menteri Video & Multimedia

Semoga Anwar menunaikan amanah dgn cemerlang atas amanah undi Popular Rakyat Malaysia. 
