Democratic Action Party (DAP).
Formed in 1966 with 1st National Chairmen Dr Chen Man Hin.
The DAP was the Malaysian wing of Singapore's People's Action Party (PAP) when Singapore was part of Malaysia. Its support comes primarily from non-Malays, particularly urban Chinese. The DAP has been outspoken on civil liberties & non-Malay rights.
Party Objectives
- To strive by constitutional means for the establishment of a 'democratic socialist' pattern of society in Malaysia (Malaysian Malaysia)
- To advance & protect the integrity & independence of the national state of Malaysia. To preserve the democratic state of Malaysia based on universal adult suffrage of all those who are citizens.
- To 'abolish' the unjust inequalities of wealth (Hak Keistimewaan Bumiputera) & opportunities existing (DEB) in the present system; to establish an economic order which gives all citizen the right to work & full economic returns for their labour & skill; to ensure a decent living, and social security to all those who through sickness, infirmity or old age can no longer work.
- To infuse into the people of Malaysia a spirit of national unity, self-respect & self-reliance, & to inspire them with a sense of endeavour in the creation of a prosperous, stable & just society.
- To propagate the above objectives through all lawful & constitutional means available including the publication & distribution journals, newsletters & newspapers.
DAP involvement in Events leading to 13 May 1969
A bitter election campaign was fought by various political parties prior to the general election of 10 May 1969. Party leaders stoked racial & religious sentiments in order to win support. Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) accused the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) of selling the rights of Malays to the Chinese, while the Democratic Action Party (DAP) accused the MCA of giving in to UMNO.
The DAP promoted the concept 'Malaysian Malaysia' which would reprieve the Malays of their special right under the Constitution. Both the DAP & the People's Progressive Party (PAP-Singapore) objected to Malay as the national language & proposed multi-lingualism in its stead.
Amidst this tension, the general election was held on 10 May 1969. The opposition party won quite a number of seats in Selangor & won several Parliament seat in Kuala Lumpur. A celebration parade was made by DAP through predominantly Malay areas of Kampung Baru & Kampung Pandan. Some demonstrators carried brooms, later alleged to symbolise the sweeping out of the Malays from Kuala Lumpur, while others chanted slogans about the "sinking" of the Alliance boat — the coalition's logo
These incites racial tension & racial clashes starts. These was all where it begins.
Reference : Government & Politics (Prof Dato' Dr Zakaria Haji Ahmad)
Tactics & Seductive Lures.
DAP moves in a very hidden ways these several years back. This was due to the Operation Lalang under Tun Dr Mahathir to crack down people who played up 'sensitive issues' & created racial tension.
DAP goes by different approach to achieve their objectives. They never forget their objective! One of the smart ways was by making Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969 by one of their members which was also the member of SUHAKAM. The book were written based on information purportedly obtained from the British Public Records Office, at the Kew Garden, London, is a gross misrepresentation of history (Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad says).
Then DAP goes on from time to time by conquering several NGO's such as Bar Council, SUHAKAM & numbers of KL based NGO's. The last year event of Bar Council conducting such forum of controversial shows they are in-line with DAP's goal & purpose. Kudos to DAP by manage to control the Bar Council. Where are all the Muslims lawyers? They are busy making money rather than try protect the Malaysian Constitution. Only small fraction of Lawyers through 'Persatuan Peguan Syarie' were against them but where are the others i supposed?
The main blockage to reach their objectives were to get supports from the majority Malaysians which are mainly Malays. With PAS & PKR by their side, the objectives are getting nearer & nearer. Recent events which were highly waited had appears when Perak PR falls & replace by BN's government. The decision by Perak Sultan's was not a surprise but the surprise was how the Rulers Institution were treated by supporters of Pakatan Member & their leaders.
Without hesitate, the Malays in PR starts to question the rulers without being asked to do so by DAP. Its an opportunity for the DAP & to spice it up they suggest to sue the Sultan. Nice isn't it. A silver platter right on spot. The objectives were met. They already know fraction of Malays already on their side with the help of PKR & PAS.
One by one request were made. They start by creating multi language signs in Penang & also asking for other than national language be used in government departments. Then there was an act recently whereby an ADUN from Johor DAP (Ketua Pembangkang - Dr Boo Cheng Hau) said Hak Keistimewaan Bumiputera is actually similar to Aparteid system in South Africa (long time ago). The latest was a suggestion so that Malaysian to be given a choice to vote the Prime Minister like United States. By asking this actually asking to remove the function of Yang Dipertuan Agong for electing the Prime Minister. :) Smart isn't they?
"What we don't realise is DAP objectives were getting nearer & nearer with the help of their close allies PKR & PAS wether we like it or not".