Ingatkan mereka akan sejarah Bangsanya yg ber Negara berlandaskan Adat Rakyat Bersultan, Negeri Beraja.
May 25, 2009
Harakah & Muktamar PAS
May 23, 2009
AL-Fatihah - ADUN Manek Urai, Ismail Yaacob

Biar kita renung kembali apa yg berlaku sejak akhir2 ini. Selepas PRU-12 telah 2 kali PAS telah kehilangan pemimpin iaitu satu di Bukit Gantang & kali ini di Manek Urai. Adakah ini petunjuk drpd ALLAH S.W.T.. Wallahwaqlam...
Moga2 Roh beliau dicucuri rahmat.
May 20, 2009
Tazkirah :- Ahli politik ‘pemurah pahala’ - Dr Marza
Hadis ini amat menakutkan. Inilah hakikat muflis atau bankrap yang hakiki. Adapun muflis dalam kehidupan dunia mungkin boleh diselesaikan atau berakhir. Namun muflis jenis ini membawa kesan dalam kehidupan ‘alam abadi’. Ya, kita semua jarang yang terlepas dari kesalahan ini. Namun kita selalu berusaha dan ingin mengelaknya. Malangnya, dalam kehidupan sesetengah ahli politik yang tidak berteraskan wahyu kita ada dapati bagi mereka memaki hamun orang, menuduh orang tanpa bukti, memakan harta orang atau rakyat, menumpahkan darah orang sama ada mencedera atau membunuhnya tanpa sebab yang diizinkan syarak bagaikan ‘rukun politik’ yang wajib dan ‘haram’ ditinggalkan. Lebih buruk lagi jika itu semua dihalalkan atas berbagai alasan.
May 13, 2009
13 May 1969 "40 Years of Remembrance" - A Dark Spot of Malaysia
This Article today is no more than extraction 'not so detailed' info on the events that I've extracted from Government & Politics [1940-2006].
Events leading to 13 May 1969.

Senior Alliance politicians, including PM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, accused the People's Action Party of Singapore of involvement in the campaign, as it had done during the 1964 general election campaign. The run-up to the election was marred by two deaths; that of an UMNO election agent, who was killed by a group f armed Chinese youths in Penang & that of a member of the Labour Party of Malaya (LPM) who was killed in Kepong, Selangor.

Amidst this tension, the general election was held on 10 May 1969. Election day itself passed incident; the results the following day showed that the opposition had tied with the Alliance for control of the Selangor state legislature.
On 12 May, thousands of Chinese marched through KL & parading through the predominantly Malay areas of Kampung Baru & Kampung Pandan, they hurled insults of a racial nature.
The events of 13 May.
Members of UMNO youth gathered in KL at the residence of Selangor MB, Dato' Harun bin Hji Idris,on 13 May & demanded that they too should hold a victory celebration; at the national level the Alliance had gained the majority by cooperating with the sole independent candidate.
While the UMNO Youth members were gathered in the compound of the MB residence, two cars containing a number of Chinese suddenly drew up. The Chinese asked the gathering to disperse, saying that the residence now belonged to the opposition leader. Meanwhile, news arrived that Chinese groups had attacked Malays in Setapak. This triggered a wave of violence resulting in loss of life & property.
Declaration of Emergency
Many people in KL were caught in the midst of the racial violence. Dozens were injured & even
On 14 May 1969, a state of emergency was declared throughout the country, & on 16 May the
The NOC implemented security measures to restore law & order in the country, including the establishment of an unarmed Vigilante Corps, a territorial army, & police force battalions. The restoration of order in the country, although not immediately accomplished, was gradually achieved. Curfew continued in most parts of the country, but were gradually scaled back. Peace was restored in the affected areas within 2 months. In February 1971 parliamentary rule was re-established.
Official Reasons - NOC Report
' The eruption of violence on May 13 was the result of an interplay of forces... These include a generation gap & differences in interpretation of the constitutional structure by the different races in the country..., the incitement, intemperate statements & provocative behaviour of certain racialist party members & supporters during the recent General Election; the part played by the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) & secret societies in inciting racial feelings & suspicion; and the anxious, & later desperate, mood of the Malays with a background of Sino-Malay distrust, and recently, just after the General Election, as a result of racial insults & threats to their future survival in their own country'
- Government & Politics [1940-2006)

- May 13 Before & After by Tunku Abdul Rahman
- The May 13 Tragedy by NOC
Never believe this book (try to twist the fact) but u can read it for fun.
- May 13: Declassified Documents on the Malaysian Riots of 1969 by DAP member Dr Kua Kia Soong
Must read blog regarding the issue (especially the Author of Declassified Doc)
- Jebat Must Die - 13 May The Correct view
Bro JMD - Thanks for the article
Other Perspektif :-
History is there for a reason. For people to relate back what went wrong & make it a lesson learned. So that we don't repeat the same mistake all over again. Some said history normally repeat itself after 40-50 years. We just pray those days wont come. Let us remembrance this Dark Spot of History close in one hearth & never repeat the same mistake again. Together as one as One Malaysia...
Penyelesaian Kemelut di Perak -"Kerajaan Perpaduan BN & PR"
"Ingatkan mereka akan sejarah bangsanya yg bernegara berlandaskan adat rakyat bersultan, negeri beraja". DYTM Raja Nazrin Shah (maka bimbinglah kami & berikan penyelesaian kepada kemelut politik ini)
May 4, 2009
Penanti 'Art of War' - BN tak Usah Layan!
DSAI adalah seorg manusia yg amat licik. Dan kelicikan ini tidak boleh dinafikan bermula sejak dulu lagi. Semenjak beliau berada di dalam UMNO. Bagaimana dia menggunakan aset kerajaan utk melebarkan pengaruhnya seperti penubuhan Institusi Kajian Dasar (nama sebenar disusup).
May 1, 2009
Seruan Penyatuan Ummah - PAS & UMNO

Apa Istimewanya lagi Hak Keistimewaan Bumiputera jika tiada lagi keistimewaan ini dlm dasar kerajaan. Apa lagi istimewanya Kedudukan Agama Islam sbg agama rasmi jika agama kita boleh dipersenda, dipertikai, dipetik & dimainkan sedemikian rupa. Menjadi lebih parah apabila bukan Islam mendapat restu ulama' tertentu utk mempermainkan Islam. Kedudukan Islam telah dicabar dgn nyata & kita lihat dimana fatwa utk org Islam dipertikai oleh umat Islam itu sendiri. Betapa menjadi amat sesak dada bila melihat kalam Allah dimainkn sebegitu rupa. Apa guna Ketinggian Raja2 Melayu sbg toggak Negara jika peranan mereka dipertikai & tidak dihormati. Rakyat secara keseluruhan pula diajar utk membenci peranan raja yg menjadi penyatu Ummah di Malaysia.
وَاعْتَصِمُوْا بِحَبْلِ اللهِ جَمِيْعًا وَلاَ تَفَرَّقُوْا
saling marah, saling memutuskan (persaudaraan) dan janganlah kalian saling bermusuhan,
akan tetapi jadilah hamba Allah yang bersaudara." (HR. Muslim). Demikianlah yang seharusnya terjadi sesama muslim dan bukan sebaliknya.